
I need to get actual revenge. Care to help?

by Guest21510  |  earlier

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So, I need to get revenge on my annoying older sister. I honestly cannot think of anything that is good enough. Oh, and the revenge cannot be extreme (I don't want anything dead ><). I also won't compromise with her. It's impossible, trust me. We've had a rivalry for a few years now and recently, she got me grounded for a week. (TWICE this month)

And if you're going to answer this question, please give an actual prank/plot for revenge.




  1. saran wrap the toliet seat before you go to bed (just make sure you don&#039;t go in there in the middle of the night). give her a spoon fullof sour cream and tell her it&#039;s icing (I did this to my sister). I also convinced my sister that our dad had put a lock on the gas pedel so she couldn&#039;t drive over 55, but when ever I was driving I could get it to 70. She always wondered how I could do this and she couldn&#039;t. make up some &quot;realistic&quot; story but throw some odd things in there.

  2. I wouldn&#039;t do anything

    just ignore her and she&#039;ll stop

    don&#039;t get mad if you get grounded

    and she&#039;ll realize she&#039;s wasting her time.

    Revenge doesn&#039;t always have to be phisical.

    Hope I Helped.

    ~tay~ :)

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