
I need to get back into writing again!?

by  |  earlier

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i LOVE to write, but i haven't written anything in probably 7-8 months. i need some ways to get my creative juices flowing again...short story ideas, just stuff to think about, etc. can you help?




  1. how about free flow writing

    just write for so many minutes without stopping everything that comes to your mind

    do this regularly

    or read something

    and free flow write about some aspect of it or your feelings - impressions or characters etc.

    your own ideas will come for your own writing I think

  2. Well, I'm a 14 year old writer myself so I'll basically tell you what i know.

    If something exciting happens to me or someone else , i would use that situation in story, or base the story around that idea. Or if i have a dream, i  use that dream to get an idea from that.  

    Hope i helped

  3. i would also try the stream of consciousness approach. just write whatever comes to mind. buy a really small journal so that you can take it everywhere with you, and when you get the urge to record down something that you think of as particularly interesting, then it'll be really convenient.  

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