
I need to get better with my swing?

by Guest65010  |  earlier

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I dont really want to be in track anymore cuz im not that good of a runner i mean im pretty fast but im not that good so i think that ill be holding my team back

So im thinking of going back into baseball but i cant hit.

Im a good fielder but my hitting needs to improve

I can hit the ball but about 1/7 times

I need help with this

I live way to far away to go to a batting cage so that cant really work





  1. you can get a tee. place it so that the ball is by your front foot. Just stare at the ball and when you swing don't take your eyes off of the spot where the ball was. It's like watching the ball disappear. You can also have someone stand on the side and just toss it to you. remember to stare at the ball AND DO NOT LOOK UP! and watch the ball disappear as you stare at the spot where you made contact. another drill is to mark a spot on the ground at your front foot and over the plate and watch the ball as it leaves the pitcher's hand all the way to where you make contact and look at the spot. It helps you keep your head down and thus helps you look at the ball.

    this site explains the mechanics of hitting.

  2. get some different colored tennis balls and write numbers 1- how ever many and get some one to pitch them to you at the speed you'll see in a game and before you hit it you call out the color and the number, if the speed is to fast, slow it down and build it up to game speed...GOOD LUCK

  3. Flexibility, mechanics, and a wood bat will get you on your way to becoming a better hitter. Now before you look away from this let me explain. I can bet good money that you are not as flexible as a gymnast so until you are you have not done your job on making yourself flexible, which will make it easier for your body to move when you hit the ball and run the bases.

    Now for mechanics, you have to video tape your hitting mechanics and learn where you are making errors in the hitting motion. Watch video of how Major League ballplayers hit the ball (go to or or google search "MLB First Year Player Draft") and take the quality basics of their mechanics in the videos and apply it to how you hit the baseball. For more info click here and see "Hitting With Success" and "Why You Should Hit With Wood."

    Good luck with the training! Feel free to email me if you have any questions at Look forward to talking with you.

    - The Professor

  4. Make sure You put your weight on your back leg and your going to need to follow through your swing instead of just trying to chop the ball down. But there's one hard thing you cant teach hitting. Hitting is probably the hardest thing to teach it just come naturally.

  5. Batting cages aren't good for a hitter anyways.

    Have someone throw live pitching like bp a lot, and do drills off a tee

  6. Have someone soft toss for you relatively often. Baseball is a sport of repetition where you'll get better if you get into the habit of practicing often.

    To make better contact, hold the ball relatively level to your shoulder. Keep your eye on the ball rather then where you plan on hitting it. Swing before it reaches the plate. If your batspeed isn't very good, you may need to swing pretty early, but that can improve with practice.

  7. If you could once in a while the batting cages would be nice.

    Soft toss will help. Build forearm and wrist strength to gain a quick bat. Don't drop your hands in your swing or it will end long and length. Remember to keep it short and sweet. Play as much baseball as you can to help build hand eye co-orditnation.  You can look things up to help you build hand eye. If you can try to swing a bat 50 times a day at least. Not rushed bad swings but quality. Watch videos and try different things. Never give up and use the internet and watch videos. If you can tape you swingning so you can watch the video and see what your doing wrong. Remember Eye on the ball. See the Ball hitt he ball. Always have a play. But don't think to much at the play. See Ball Hit ball.

  8. It's called shadow swings. When the sun is about to set and you can see a whole shadow work on your swing. You can tell if your swing is level or not. If that doesn't work just always watch the ball hit the bat. Guaranteed you'll make contact every time if you watch it in.

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