
I need to get from Gare Montparnasse to Holiday Inn Hotel 1 Allee du Verger.?

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Do you have any suggestions. I have tried to research it but can't seem to get the websites to show what I need to make the trip. The closest I could get was taking the metro to Gare Nord and then taking another to close to the airport. But I don't want to go to the airport, I need to get a way to the hotel.




  1. Why on earth did you choose a hotel in the middle of nowhere.

    This hotel is for people going to the airport. It's really not convenient for Paris AT ALL.

    I would recommend that you change hotel.

    If you are tied in to using Holiday Inn, then try and change your booking for a Holiday Inn in Paris.

    You will have to take the metro to chatelet or gare du nord, then take the RER to the airport. From there the hotel has a free shuttle bus.

    Once when I went to a conference in Germany the organisers booked me into a hotel that involved a train journey plus a taxi ride from the conference venue, even though I had specifically asked for one that was located centrally. I cancelled (and lost the €5 booking fee - but just the taxi would have been more than that, not to mention the hassle). Get a hotel in central Paris. There are plenty in Montparnasse, including some five stars.

  2. use to get maps from one destination to another quickly, it's the best online maps for Europe but more or less I've been to the holiday inn and it's uber hard  to get to with out a car, be prepared for mucho walking bro

  3. The hotel has a free shuttle from the airport train station as their website says.

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