
I need to get in touch with T. Boone Pickens, but I dont have his email address. Does anyone?????

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I need to get in touch with T. Boone Pickens, but I dont have his email address. Does anyone?????




  1. This guy is steeling our water and plans to sell it back to us.

  2. T. Boone Pickens: Oilman, financier–and Facebook guy?

    This morning, Mr. Pickens launched a publicity offensive for his “Pickens Plan,” a call for energy independence that includes greater reliance on wind power. So far, the publicity has included traditional elements, such as a lengthy story in USA Today and an appearance on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” this morning. But visitors to, the Web site dedicated to promoting the oilman’s ideas, will find an effort to tap a different energy source: social networking.

    For starters, there’s a Facebook page where people can “become a fan” of Mr. Pickens (pictured above) and his exhortation to make energy independence a focus of national debate. There’s also a MySpace page and a YouTube channel. And for good measure, there’s also a Twitter feed for “pickensplan.”

    Networked out yet? There’s more. The Pickens Plan is setting up its own dedicated social network powered by Ning. That network includes message boards for supporters and the ability to form local groups.

    Though it remains to be seen whether Mr. Pickens’s approach will attract droves of supporters, his initial efforts to attract attention on the Web are finding success. Earlier this morning, the Pickens Plan accounted for the top three “Hot Trends” search terms on Google. (No. 1: “” No. 2: “pickens plan.” No. 3: “t boone pickens.”)

    Though it’s becoming common for causes to turn to online networking to build support, the overall tone of Mr. Pickens’s site indicates a fair amount of Web savvy on the part of its designers. Small touches indicate an understanding of the Web audience. Where the site asks visitors to sign up for updates, requesting not only their email addresses but their Zip codes as well, there’s small link labeled “Why do we want this?” next to the Zip code box. (Answer: To help efforts to organize supporters by congressional district.)

    Furthermore, while the campaign’s TV spot channels typical issue-ad tropes–ominous music and all–the main video at takes a plainer YouTube approach, depicting Mr. Pickens giving a whiteboard talk about energy. It may not be viral, at least not yet, but tone-wise it’s more like a TED talk than a strident advocacy-group ad.

  3. Just send him a letter in the mail... General Delivery

    Dallas, Texas... figure hed get it...!!!

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