
I need to get insurance but have no job how do i get insurance this is for my husband who has no job also?

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I need to get insurance but have no job how do i get insurance this is for my husband who has no job also?




  1. It depends on how old you are and whether or not you have any money coming in at all as well as how much you have in assets (house, cars, bank accounts, stocks, etc).

    If you have limited to no assets, you're eligible for MedicAid which is a federal health insurance program administered by the states. That means, you'll have to contact your state department of social services to apply.

    If you're over 65, you're eligible for MediCare. Google Medicare for information on how to apply.

    Also, many counties offer medical services, free clinics and emergency care for people of lower income.

    If you have no job because you and/or your husband lost it or recently quit and you had health insurance through your work, you are eligible to continue the same coverage you had through COBRA. Contact the HR dept of your former employer for info on how to continue your coverage. You'll have to pay the whole premium out of your pocket so be aware that this might be very expensive.

    If none of the above scenarios fit you, you can always try to simply buy individual health insurance through a broker or directly from BlueCross or BlueShield. They can turn you down though or refuse to cover certain conditions or pre-existing conditions or even drop you if you suddenly get sick, so be sure you read the fine print before you sign up.

    Good luck!

  2. Are you talking health insurance??  If so, you can buy individual health policies, but your looking at a minimum of $200 a month x 2.  I'd check out your local Board of Social Services to apply for Medicaid.  Good luck!

  3. Go to your state's department of health and social services - that's going to be your only way.

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