
I need to get my 5k time down for xc?

by  |  earlier

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alright so this fall i'm doing cross country for the school. the practices will be starting mid august. my fastest 5k time is a 24:00, i'd like to get it down to a 20, any suggestions are welcome.




  1. um mybe do some fast sprints and a couple fast 800 meter runs! hope u do good! : ]

  2. kinda late to take off 4 mins in one summer, but put in LOTS of miles this summer, nothing shorter than 4 miles a day, 6 days a week and bike the other day for at least 1 hour.  in the summer you should be able to put in 350-400 miles total, thats a good number. Good luck.

  3. it is all about strength training

    this is just to total your speed to make you go faster and potentially farther.

    Monday - normal run

    Tuesday - 4 min sprint

    Wednesday - normal run

    Thursday - hills (find i nice steep hill and run up and down it a good number of times)

    Thursday - normal run

    Friday- 4 min sprint

    that is a nice 5 day routine i did, and would be a good thing to get your seed up

    good luck.

    i got to do i 5km in 19 min

    and I'm now planning on doing to Boston next year.

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