
I need to get my 9 yr old nephew a gift where do i go to get some awsome toys for him?

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I need to get my 9 yr old nephew a gift where do i go to get some awsome toys for him?




  1. Wal Mart get his sum deer hunting stuff....camo,hat,gloves,scent cover,.... ect.....

  2. toys r us is usually a good place to get toys for children. if you know what he likes, that would be a good help.

  3. toys R us

  4. I know you really want to get him toys, but he will probably get a lot of toys from other family members and his friends.  Find out what he likes to do besides play with toys and get him a magazine subscription.  If he likes science, find a kids science magazine.  I bet he will love getting a magazine that is just for him.  Every time he gets it he will remember, who gave it to him.

  5. Toys R Us or Yahoo shopping

  6. kb toys

  7. The best toy stores are the ones that cater to teachers.

    The price is slightly higher, but the products are designed for fun, learning and quality.

  8. Toys'R'Us

  9. Go to the "Discovery Store" they have awesome toys that are great for learning science. If there is not one near you go to the Discovery Store online. They sort by age and catagory!!!

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