
I need to get my room done quick. Help???

by  |  earlier

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My room is always a mess. I really want my friend to come over for a sleepover, but I must have my room done. Have any quick and easy ways to get it done? [and maybe some things to do at the sleepover]




  1. well first of all do ur room before even mentioning the sleepover then youl hav nothing to worry about but if youve already invited her then ask someone in your family or another friend to help if no one is willing to then turn on your favorite music and get cleaning!  For ideas to do at the sleepover i would say just talk( if youre that kind of person) my friends and i will end up laughing so hard at one little thing! Also makeovers movies snacks all make a sleepover perfect!

  2. well if you  have a chest then shove everything in it and just close it and under your bed.Oh and for the sleepover watch movies talk have snacks and a pillow fight everyone will have fun oh and hope this helped good luck

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