
I need to get out of a lease, what is the best way?

by  |  earlier

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I entered into a lease in march for a year, and need to get out of it as soon as possible. Is there a reason the land-lord HAS to let me out of it?




  1. Find someone who is responsible, credit-worthy, has a good job and references to take over the lease. The landlord does not have to consent, but if you bring him the right person, especially if the new guy is willing (with your help maybe) to bump up the rent just a little, the landlord should let the new guy take over the lease.

  2. There is no reason whatsoever that a landlord must let you out of a lease, other than if you are active military and are being re-assigned to a different location.  You can only attempt to negotiate an early release from the lease with the landlord, but you can expect some sort of monetary penalty for getting such a privilege.

  3. check your lease........a lot of apartments around here let you have options out.........find your own replacement, pay maybe 2 months, or else pay until they fill your apartment were the 3 options my last apartment gave us.   We ended up paying 2 months and they let us out of it.

  4. With the help of internet anything and everything is easy these days. And with your question, i could say its nothing and I believe the below link will help you.

    And remember eveything in Internet is free these days and I hope you enjoy. Thanks.

  5. I had the same situation, I paid up which has crippled me financially.

    My friend used to be an estate agent (we rib him for it, don't worry) and he said they normally let you go no questions asked if you cry and fake a mental health problem.  However I am no good at acting or lying, and it's now costing me £300 a month....  

  6. Unless the place is uninhabitable, there is no reason the landlord has to let you out.  If you ask nicely, the landlord may allow you out but it will certainly involve money - losing the securty deposit is your best hope.

    Legally, unless the lease says otherwise, you are responsible for rent until the lease ends and the landlord is obligated to mitigate damages by attempting to rent the apartment.

  7. pay your way out that way you did not break the lease.if you just go and you signed a lease he can take you to court.for the remainer of the lease.

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