
I need to get out of the retail industry ASAP. Any ideas where I can start somewhere else at the age of 18?

by  |  earlier

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I've been doing it for too long.




  1. My question for you....How long is too long? You're only 18, there are a number of options available to you. College would be #1, but if you're not the best book student, what about a vocational college? ITT Tech or Rankin? You have to have an interest in something--IT, Auto Repair, Drafting, something has to pique your interest.

  2. College would be the first step -- a degree takes you further in life than otherwise. You may only be 18 now, but someday you'll be 28 (hopefully) and then what? Even if only an Associates or Vocational school, something is better than nothing.

    Unfortunately, other than retail and food service, I can't think of companies that hire employees that young.

  3. Try college....

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