
I need to get rid of a piano. Where in Michigan can I donate a piano?

by Guest67092  |  earlier

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I need to get rid of a piano. Where in Michigan can I donate a piano?




  1. I would try craigslist.

  2. Check with local churches...there's always a church that needs a piano for services.

  3. Call your favorite local charity, find out if they are taking donations for fundraisers.  I know the American Cancer Society is taking cars and boats, maybe they need a piano too.

  4. the best thing to do is to try craigslist or freecycle.  Freecycle is a yahoo group.  Just sign in to yahoo, go to groups, and type in "(your city) freecycle".  It is an EXCELLENT website if you need something but can't afford it, or if you would like to get rid of something, but don't want the hassle.  That is how I got my piano :).  Craigslist is also a good website, but freecycle gets more circulation.  Good luck

  5. salvation army

    they love pianos

  6. try  you local school board , art club   etc

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