
I need to get rid of the mustard algae in the pool. Please Help Us!?

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We have had mustard algae for 2 years now and it is so depressing. We have done everything that our pool professionals have told us to do, but it keeps coming back. We are changing the sand soon because everytime we backwash the water is pure white. We have vacuumed, chlorinated, used SeaKlear, algaecide and everything I can think of. How do we get rid of it?




  1. I had this problem and it is hard to get rid of. I drained my pool down about 10" and refilled it everyday (don't empty the pool) while adding massive amounts of chlorine. Basically, I emptied and refilled my pool about 3 or 4 times 10" at a time.

  2. try silver algaedyne it coats the pool with a thin layer of silver-also use a sand substitute for your filter medias-they are much better than silica sand :

  3. Mustard algae loves the shade.  It is resistant to chlorine at 5ppm so shocking or super chlorination is the key.  Also maintaining your pH near 7.0 will enhance the effect of chlorine.

    I have used a product called yellow out and it worked for me basically they tell you to add this product then shock lower pH shock, shock, shock.  During the shock process you need to sweep sweep sweep to expose the mustard algae.

    Though you can use calcium hypochlorite due to the amount of calcium in in you would be better off using sodium hypochlorite 12.5, pool chlorine.  Watch your pH and don't add chlorine and acid at the same time.

    Earlier this year I did a partial drain out of my gunite pool, i sprayed the plaster with a bleach solution, laundry bleach, and was surprised to see mustard algae growing below the waterline and none above where I treated the plaster walls.

    If you need to drain out treat your walls with brush on, pool chlorine to minimize airborne chlorine.  It should wipe it out.

    You're welcome!!

  4. Drop the pH LOW, really low (6.0).  Use lots of chlorine and hit it with a copper-containing algaecide.

    Once you are done, add metal chelator and gradually bring up your total alkalinity then pH.

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