
I need to get rid of this hangover asap. how do i get rid of it.?

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I need to get rid of this hangover asap. how do i get rid of it.?




  1. Personally, I like to stand on my head and blast the "1812 overture" in every room in my house

  2. flushes out the alcohol qucikly...

    And some food...

    Boost your sugar levels with some fruit etc too....

    you can also try the flat coke method if you really hate fruit...

    The sugar and caffeine can help you feel better quickly...

  3. Drink another beer. Fastest cure for a hangover.

  4. Hair of the dog that bit you

  5. Try eating fruits, water and vitamins. Lots of water, to rehydrate. Fruits and vitamins to replenish vitamins and minerals u stripped ur body of by drinking.  

  6. drink as much water as you possibly can..then another gallon

    just keep drinking water

    alcohol dehydrates you


  7. Suffer and don't drink again.


    Have a huge fry up and drink a pint of water with a pain killer.

  8. juiced mung beans with orange juice is a favourite of my daughters or try Homeopathic remedy nux vomica 30c take 2. you can get them at the chemist.They are pretty well reccomended wont hurt yu if they don't work for oyu - take in lots of liquids.

    The germans hangover cure is to drink down in one gulp this little bottle of fiery alcohol it either settles your stomach or make s you up chuck very violently - I think vodka and red bull plus chilli pepper does the same.

  9. Well the best way is to simply not get to that level and just maintain that "buzzed" state.  However, if worse comes to worse, time is the best solution along with hydrating yourself with water or anything to replenish your electrolytes (Gatorade, etc)  Another great way that one can stop the nausea/dizziness is trying to find menudo from an authentic Mexican restaurant.  Apparently, it has something to do with the spices.

  10. Plenty of water and Vitamin B (either as tablets or Marmite/Vegemite)

  11. get two cans of coca cola, open, let go a bit flat, then drink both, you will be surprised how much this picks you up.  

  12. a hangover is a combination, allergic reaction, dehydration, lowered salt and sugar level and headache. simply treat these symptoms if you can't start drinking again. i use benadryl pink label, koolaid, tylenol and pretzels. or drink a six pack of beer.

  13. you could always just keep drinking and then ease back off it.  Yeah i know sounds dumb but it works.  Drink yourself sober.

    But seriously max out on the water and eat plenty of fruit and vege i know you dont want to hear it but its the best way to get rid of the symptoms.  gatorade rehydrates qiuckly too.

  14. Go back in time and don't drink.  Or have a cup of coffee.

  15. drink some coffee & eat some bread.

  16. I work magic. My potion is this:

    2 Excedrin (1 if you're caffeine sensitive)

    1 packet Emergen-C Super Engergy Booster.

    IF you don't have any Emergen-C, take 1000mg of Vitamin C in its place.

    No Vitamin C? Just swallow the Excedrin with a glass of O.J.

    But the original recipe wipes out a hangover in twenty minutes!

  17. this always works..

    flush your head down the toilet!! trust me!! do it

  18. Take a shower, Drink a cup of coffee with a shot of liquor it's called hair of the dog works like a charm.

  19. gatorade tiger  

  20. drink tomato juice or soda water with dash of angostura bitters... believe me, i always do that!!!

  21. drink half a can of lager or something, it will go away and then you can go to sleep - sleep is really the best thing.  

  22. Drink a bloody mary its the best cure I know.

  23. Plenty water and vitamin c

  24. please see the following article:

  25. Water

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