
I need to get rid of yucky yellow sweat stains???

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I have to wear a shirt every Friday for school, and need to know how to get rid of yellow stains for the upcoming year. I can't raise my hand, and you can see the sweat. i want to stop sweating, But all I need to know is how to get them out. I have heard of bleach, but I need a miracle people!




  1. hope this helps....

  2. ~~Your miracle is easy! Just put white vinegar in a spray bottle and spray the stains until saturated. Let it sit for an hour for heavy build-up, then launder as usual. It removes under arm stains like magic. You shirt will feel soft, and smell fresh and clean again!

  3. I got all my white and light colored shirts free of the yellowing under the arms by soaking them in oxiclean for two days

    a cup of oxiclean in a bucket of water each night

    Great shirts look new.

  4. OxyClean has worked miracles for me.  i use warm water and strong solution of it.  The onlger you let it soak the better your results.

    To avoid the sweat stains, wash your whites the minute you take them off.  The stains are a mix of sweat, body oil and salts from your deo.  The longer you let the clothes sit without washing them the more they will stain.  I used to get these horrible stains, too, but no more since I learned to wash my whites right away  :)   Good luck!

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