
I need to go shoe shopping, but I also want to go to the drive-in... what should I do?

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okay - so I live in a town that is pretty small, so when you need to go shopping for anything other than food - you gotta go out of town. I only want to go out of town one day this weekend - and I need to go shoe shopping, but I also want to go see a movie at the drive in (that I just discovered last weekend). the drive in is also in a small town about an hour away from my small town, but also in the opposite direction of anywhere that has good shoe stores... I want to see the movie that is playing this week, but I also want to go to a few other stores that are around the shoe store... geeze - what a dilemma




  1. Buy the Shoes, they will last you a lot longer..

    Plus you may be able to rent the movie later on when it comes out on video. You can also buy the shoes in the morning, then at night get someone to pay for your movie and promise them that next week, or next month you'll treat them to the drive-in.

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