
I need to go to Mexico.?

by  |  earlier

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I am 17 and my fiance is 19 and he wants to move back to Mexico but my mom wouldnt sign the passport for me to fly. Could I go by land and enter mexico without being 18? I cant wait until im 18 his mother is sick and needs him. What do I do my mom wont sign anything to let me go!




  1. Listen to Charlie....................

  2. tell her your old enough (sorta) and you will be safe and her not to be mean or just drive to the border and cross it is going to really hot there like really HOT but you dont need a passport to get back i think cuase you where born in the USA

  3. You must have a signed notarized letter of permission signed by both parents and notarized for you to go to  Mexico. It is Mexican law. You are going to need to listen to your mother on this.  He can go now, you can wait.   Your mother is being very wise.  !st 2 answerers are waaaay off cannot just slip across the border.  yes, you can travel by land without your passport for a few more months, but you have no idea what circumstances you may be getting into.  Please wait, then after you are 18 if you want to visit, get a passport and go visit.

  4. Just drive over the border.....but you will need a passport to re-enter the US.   If they ask you for  and ID and turn you away just slip over the border after dark.

  5. if you drive to mexico, they wont ask for an id, they wont even ask how old are you, it is very easy to go there

  6. You will not have any trouble getting into Mexico. Mexico doesn't stop or check pedestrians. Just walk over the border into Mexico.

    You will need your passport to get back into the U.S.  without it, you will have to go to the nearest U.S. embassy in Mexico and obtain the necessary paperwork to return to the U.S.

    Don't try to sneak back into the U.S. unless you want to spend time in a U.S. federal prison.

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