
I need to have 5-7 advantages and disadvantages of using coal. Why is coal a non-renewable resource?

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Tell me 5-7 advantages and disadvantages of using coal. Also tell me why coal is a non-renewable resource. How long will coal last and how much is available. Please and Thank you.




  1. coal is made from very old decaying plants and animals, it is non-renewable because at some time, it will run out, but no one knows for sure when, since its hard to predict that stuff

  2. Coal burning creates ash

    It discharges flue gas containing sulphur causing acid rain

    I dont have statistics of USA but it will end in nearly 50 to 60 years!

    Coal was created under the earth millions of years ago and can not be renewed!

    Coal burning created carbon dioxide which is a global warming gas!

    Efficiency of thermal power stations which burn coal is less than 40%.Rest of heat goes to atmosphere

  3. Advantages:-

    1. coal is cheap to buy( not all but some varieties)

    2. it serves as a fuel in industries and hence is very important

    3. it can be used to generate electricity

    4.powdered coal has been liquified by using hydrogen under high pressure. this liquid coal is mainly used to power ships can be used as a good reducing agent (for producing iron and steel) burns without smoke.


    1. it is non-renewable resource

    2. it emits harmful gases which cause both pollution and global warming is a bad conductor of heat and electricity

    4. one of the gas emmited which is carbon monooxide his highly poisonous and even 1% of it consumed can cause cause death takes thousands of years to form

    6. it cannot be recycled

    coal is a non-renewable resource. it is formed by the gradual decomposition of vegetable matter in the absence of air under great pressure.this is a slow process of decomposition of vegetable matter. so it takes millions of years to form.

    coal is not evenly distributed throughout the world and it is not available in abundance. probably coal resources are depleting at an alarming rate. if its exploitation continues at the same rate as currently, then all the ccoal resources will get exhausted in next 2 or 3 decades

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