
I need to have a yard sale but my house is down a hill on a very busy street, no parking. What should I do?

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Cars can't pull over and park, it would be too dangerous. Nearest parking would be around the corner. Also, its hard to see the house from the street because of the trees. I've been donating some stuff but I feel like I'm throwing money away. Anyone else have this problem?




  1. Get with a friend or relative and have a yard sale at their house.

  2. Have it at another location.

  3. rent a space at a flea market in your area, they usually go for $15-$20 bucks.  Either that or just have the sale, and let the people who want to stop, worry about where to park.  If they really want to take a look at what you have, they'll find a place to park!  Just make sure and put up good signs that are readable from a car!

  4. Our schools and churches also seem to have large flee markets as fund raisers that you could buy a table at or you could just donate the stuff for them to sell.  Personally I think with all the time and effort it takes to price everything, set up, advertise and sit around all day just for people to give you a quarter for something worth $20 bucks is a waste of time.  I've done it a couple times and every time I say "never again".  You could call Goodwill or AmVets and have them pick up everything as a donation.  You get a tax write off and a clean house and everybody wins.   Good Luck.

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