
I need to hook up my HDTV to dish network>>...?

by  |  earlier

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can i buy a hdmi cord and hook it into a non-HDTV dish receiver. or do i have to get ahold of dish network and purchase a HDTV box????




  1. If you want HDTV through Dish, you'll need to upgrade to their HDTV receivers and HD Service. I'm not sure of the box upgrade cost but it'll be about $10 extra a month to get HD versions of the channels you already have in SD.

    Satellite is already digital -- so this has absolutely NOTHING to do with the upcoming digital switch. You're already watching digital TV.

    You can't hook an HDMI cable up to an SD Dish Box. If you wait a while to upgrade and still have the new TV, use S-Video connections.

  2. As I understand the rules, they have to provide an HD box under the change over of broadcast stuff next February (2009).   You are paying Dish Money for HD, you should get the box as part of your service - arn't you?

  3. yes, you have to get a HD receiver, if they do not offer an upgrade ,  look on ebay first!  Best signal on a regular box is s -video

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