
I need to interview a habilitation provider who will assist me with potty training, etc. My daughter hasdelays

by  |  earlier

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what do i ask. how long shes' been a provider?




  1. If you're privately hiring someone who is not employed by a provider agency, I would be sure to do background checks to check for any criminal record or child/adult abuse. I would also do a driving check. You can never be too careful. I would also find out what kind of experience she has. What kinds of disabilities has she worked with and what were her approaches with each of those. You want someone that will adapt to your daughter, not someone who expects your daughter to adapt to their way of doing things.

  2. I would ask how long she's been a provider, what her qualifications are, what has her success been like in the past, what her methods are like, what is she going to charge, and anything else you are concerned about.

    Best of luck.

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