
I need to know, who am I?

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When someone is questioning how to be more social, get a boy/girlfriend, etc, others will say, "Just be yourself, everything will be okay." The only issue is I haven't a clue who I am on the inside. I've never really been sure who I am, so I've been living by who I want to be, but I'm really unhappy with who I've become. I'm starting to seclude myself from others, it's really tarnishing my social life. I want to try to socialize plenty more, make new friends, and even attract a girl. How do you know who you are on the inside? I'm looking deep within myself, and there are things about me that I don't like (example, deep within, I feel I'm shallow). How do you find out who you are?




  1. you find out who you really are by praying to God and asking Him into your life & ♥. once you do that, spend time reading the Bible and praying. talk to Him and you will start to see God's response. now it prolly wont just happen over night, but over time, you will prolly start to see a difference in yourself if you walk by faith not by sight.

  2. Look in the encyclopedia.

    Best of luck! :]

  3. I'm in the Navy, I'm told who i am and i have no social life. :)

  4. i feel the same.

  5. Well I know that close to death experiences can help you realize who you are, or who you want to be, but I don't think you'd want to go that way lol. I think as you get older, you will realize who you are. I mean you live with yourself 24/7 you have to get to know yourself after a certain period of time lol. And if you don't like yourself change yourself. As for me, I'm extremely quiet, shy, introverted, but on the plus side I'm caring, giving, and love people more than I love myself. (Don't want to sound arrogant because I'm not) You'll find out who you are eventually. Don't try to worry about it so much. Just live your life how you wanna live it. If it doesn't feel right to you, then switch it around a little bit. As one of my favorite expressions says-Live Laugh and Love!

  6. you are a person that is mentally disturbed.

  7. i feel exactly da sme - wen im around family im a normal every day teen , but around other kids my own age i no im being stupid but i believe that its true so i allways get embarresed wen i say summin coz they take da pee out ov me and i get bullied so i jus hang around by myself at lunch and break i no how ya feel dont worry bout it i dont , i prefer company of my own and i hav a realy big problem , im polite and at bs it is criminal to be polite but i cant bloody help it i dont enjoy dissin people and there families , jus dow woz bout it k , cya x  

  8. i know how you feel, just do things u like, for example you can find friends who have the same taste in music, you can find a girl with simaler intrests as well. i like to have fun listen to music and id wanna find someone that as similar tastes. hope this helps.

  9. Being on your own for a while is a great way start to learning your own identity.  Once you start realizing things about yourself, you will build more confidence in yourself.  You said that you feel you are shallow.  If you are aware of this vice, try and find ways you can look at things differently.  Retrain your brain.  Sounds impossible, but once you are aware of things you want to change, you can do it.  Maybe you should also try talking to someone professional about it.  Even just saying things out loud may help you to "find" more of yourself.  You may also want to try starting a journal.

  10. i feel the exact same way as you.

    i always feel like i am being fake no matter who i am with.

    and when i get nervous around people they always say be yourself, but i have no idea what that means.

    i am constantly questioning myself and i just get so confused.

    it often gets to the point of tears because i just want to be secure and confident in who i am.

    i wish you the very best of luck in finding yourself.

    whatever its sure it is great.

  11. You might be your own grandpa.

  12. "Find out who you really are."

    The journey of finding out who you are can be a difficult one. Even for those who have not experienced head trauma. I think the reason for this is the fact that there are a variety of ways to define/describe "who" you are.

    You are a "Human."

    You are an "American."

    You are an "Adult."

    You are a "Caucasian."

    You are a "Man."

    You are a "Father."

    You are an "Uncle".

    You are a "Confused Individual."

    You are an "Intelligent Person."

    In short, you are a conglomerate of things. You have a multitude of personality traits. And, you play various roles in society. Basically... YOU ARE YOU... whatever "you" is.

    You find out who you are by LOOKING at others, and COMPARING one person to another, until you miraculously DISCOVER things about yourself.

    You find out who you are by LOOKING at others, and COMPARING one person to another, until you miraculously DISCOVER things about yourself.

    You find out who you are by LOOKING at others, and COMPARING one person to another, until you miraculously DISCOVER things about yourself.

  13. I like you.

  14. a persons actions define their character.  

  15. I like what Ames said. I think it is true. You know who you are by how you treat yourself. Be honest with yourself and accept yourself by by seeing what is positive in you. If you think you are shallow, then, like Ames, said, be what you want to be. I am kind of quiet, introverted, like Ames, but, I see myself as friendly and caring to a fault sometimes. I spend time by myself because I am like this as a person, but, I do like to be around people. Look into yourself, write down what you think and what you'd like to be.  

  16. The Bible tells me who I am

    I am God's child - so are you.  When I fall down, he picks me up.  You don't need to look any farther than God's word to find yourself.

  17. you might not be able explicitly define yourself since you're probably a conglomeration of things.  You might try some new/different things and see what you like.

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