
I need to know ...............Who shot JR Ewing?

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  1. it was his sister in law - Kristen

  2. you but you arent telling us you did that.

  3. well it was all a dream...

  4. Ignore them. It was Kristin, Sue-Ellen's sister. I should know. I wore the badge :)

  5. Just a hint, because if I told the complete truth my life may be in danger... it was the same person that shot Kennedy.

  6. no one it was all a dream,  

  7. It was all a bad dream.

  8. his neice

  9. Kristin Shepard ,who was JR's sister in law (Sue Ellen's sister) who he'd been having an affair with.

    I can still remember how much space this took up in the press.I never guessed that it was her

  10. His Sister-in-law Kirsten, can't quite remember why exactly though.

  11. Wasnt it his wife Sue Ellen?  It ended up a dream by Bobby anyway.......

  12. I think it was pam, long tme ago.

  13. no one,she was dreaming.  

  14. I confess

    It was me

    I even had the t-shirt

    Actually Kristin Shepard (played by Mary Crosby) shot JR


  15. Had I possessed a gun at the time, it would have been me.

  16. it was kristin

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