
I need to know about 10 diffrent beef cows.?

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I need to know about 10 diffrent beef cows.?




  1. They forgot my favorite: limousin

  2. angus,herdfors,scottish,heiefer,jersey,b... white,steers,guernsey,highland,holdstein... angus,ect,ect,ect

  3. Here is a real good site that will tell you all about the top 30 to 40 most common breeds of beef cattle.

  4. if you are talking about breeds of cattle raised for beef:

    1. Hereford

    2. Polled Hereford.

    3. Angus (black and red)

    4. Brangus (cross between Brahma and Angus)

    5. Charolais.

    6 Beef master.

    7. Limousin.

    8. Brahma.

    9. any cross breed above.

    10. And the Texas Blast From The Past the Longhorn.

    Pardon any mis-spelling. I've raised them, can say their breed name, but a little rusty on the spelling

    and by the way, a steer is a bull that has been castrated

  5. We raise purebred Angus, but my kids show in the local fair circuit and a few others I don't think were mentioned are Salers, Chianina, Simmental and Shorthorn.

    There's a really good website that my kids used for information while creating building exhibits for their beef projects in 4H. It's

    That site has things from all over the world, we found it useful to their projects.

  6. In addition to the ones listed I would add

    Pie rough (french Simmental)

    gelbveih (German Limousin)

    Flekveih ( German Simmental)

    Maine Anjou  (French)

    Romangolie  (Italian)

    Marchigian    (Italian)



    Santa Gertrudis

    Belgian Blue

    Belted Bellgians

    and a myriad of synthetic breeds like the Hays Converter, etc.

    we haven't gotten to the south American Cattle, or the african cattle or the asian cattle either


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