
I need to know about drug tests?

by  |  earlier

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I have a drug test today, now i dont smoke the stuff, but I have been around it, could I fail just from being around it, like a contact?




  1. You hang around smokers but you don't smoke yourself?

    That's a bit hard to believe...

  2. No, you cannot fail from contact smoke.

    I drug tested 3 times a week for two years, and my probation officer would have knocked herself out to be able to re arrest me (we did not get along). All that time I hung out around stoners all the time, and never once did I fail a test. I am 100% sure you will be fine.

  3. im not 100% sure but about 90% sure that you wont fail.. if you dont inhale it then it cant be in your system..  

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