
I need to know about getting a Visa for the UK?

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I want to become an Au Pair in the UK...I am US Citizen. On some research Ive found that US Cits. can NOT be Au Pairs in the UK. (why, I do not know)

So my question is this....How the heck do I get a visa. Would I have the family Sponsor me? Is it hard to get a Visa. On my research ive foundthe Visas are only up to 6 months, what if I want to work there a year, can I renew it in the UK? and what are the costs?

I cant seem to get a straight answer when I google it, a million things come up, all slightly different. Has someone been in this situation? PLEASE help!!

Thanks a lot!




  1. so if you can't be an au pair, it's going to be difficult getting a job as one... you could try applying to be a nanny

    to get a working visa from outside the eu, you need to have skills that can't be filled by the uk and eu workforce.

  2. Hi  - the UK is part of Europe, with 27 countries "combined" in total and we prioritise work permits from those countries and from the British Commonwealth countries.

    The idea behind "au pairs" is to learn our language.

    As the USA speaks (pretty much!) the same language and we give priority to our partner countries (in the same way, it is very difficult for a non-US citizen to get permission to work there), you are most unlikely to get a work visa. Sorry!

    Does this make sense, please?

    Alun Hill MCIJ, UK Travel Journalist and Broadcaster

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