
I need to know an answer to my question today what clip should a showjumping horse have?

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I need to know an answer to my question today what clip should a showjumping horse have?




  1. It doesn't matter. They're not judged on how they look, but how well they perform.  Since you show him, I'm guessing you don't leave him turned out all the time, so he's probably not too shaggy. Personally, I would go with a hunter's clip, but as I said before, it really doesn't matter.

  2. I would say a full body clip for a competition horse. Maybe at lower levels of competition you can get away with a blanket or hunter clip but any horse in serious competition is going to look too shaggy and also be harder to keep clean and cooled out after workouts without a full clip. Be sure you have blankets to keep your horse warm this winter after his clip!

  3. It is totally dependent on how hard you are working him.

    If he is in hard work then you need to take more hair off.  If you are just riding him for an hour a day and competing every now and again then a blanket clip would suffice.

    The more work he does, the less hair he should have!

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