
I need to know everything about crickets

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  1. the bug or the sport?

  2. CRICKETS???

    well...The cricket (Acheta assimilis) is one member of the Orthopterans, along with the grasshopper and katydid. One classic commonality among them is their good vision and hearing. Having compound eyes, they are able to see in many directions at once. Over 10,000 different species of the three exist, with the cricket making up approximately 1000 of the different species. The remaining 9,000 are split almost evenly among the grasshopper and katydid, the grasshopper having a slight lead.

    Crickets are said to foretell good luck. Their songs are said to bring blessings to all that are lucky enough to hear them. In many parts of the world, a cricket found in the house will be treated with respect. Often, they are placed in small cages made especially for them, given food and water, and hopefully able to live a long life, as the longer they live, the more good luck they bring. Others say to leave them as they are, and if they stay, it means large amounts of money will come to the owners of the dwelling.

    While crickets have wings, the majority of them do not fly. The wings are often too small to be of any use and lie useless across the back. Most get about by jumping from place to place, and through time, have developed legs that are built for jumping at great heights when put in comparison to their size. Crickets vary in size from specie to specie, with most being in the range of ½” to 1”. One species that appears to clean up after ants in the ant’s own house is smaller than ¼’. The common house cricket is usually on the smaller end, most often not being much over the ½” range. As their name suggests, these are most commonly found around and inside houses. The field cricket is at the other end of the size range, averaging 1” in length, they are found in fields throughout the warmer summer months, or burrowed beneath rocks, and other debris. Woodpiles, those in your backyard for the winter woodstove, are also a favorite stomping ground for them to build their burrows.

    A cricket usually lives less than one year, though as I stated earlier, if they can find a warm house, or better, someone to make them a home and provide water and food, their life span can be lengthened. As a rule though, as winter approaches, the female will look for the perfect spot to lay her eggs. This is generally on the ground. When spring arrives, the new cricket, or nymph, hatches looking very muck like an adult cricket, only minus his or her wings. Through several molts, casting off their skin, they grow larger, and develop their wings.

    The singing of the cricket is the main reason so many people throughout time have both welcomed them into their homes, where most insects are not wanted, and believed them to bring good fortune and luck. They make their beautiful song by rubbing parts of their body together. Crickets use their otherwise often useless wings to make their song. While occasionally this is accomplished by the female of the species, the majority of the time it is the males. They sing to call in mates, and to warn other males that they have entered the territory of another male. An added benefit of their chirping to us, as colder weather arrives, is to listen to how many chirps they emit each minute. By dividing this count by 4, and adding the number 40, you will arrive at the approximate Fahrenheit temperature outside.

    I just went to

  3. Google them you'l firnd all u need.

  4. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    The common black cricket, Gryllus assimilis

    The common black cricket, Gryllus assimilis

    Scientific classification

    Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Arthropoda

    Class: Insecta

    Order: Orthoptera

    Suborder: Ensifera

    Superfamily: Grylloidea

    Family: Gryllidae

    Bolívar, 1878


    See Taxonomy section

    Crickets, family Gryllidae (also known as "true crickets"), are insects somewhat related to grasshoppers and more closely related to katydids or bush crickets (family Tettigoniidae). They have somewhat flattened bodies and long antennae. There are about 900 species of crickets. They tend to be nocturnal and are often confused with grasshoppers because they have a similar body structure including jumping hind legs.

  5. crickets make noise

  6. go to the whickapedia or look it up on the coumputer


    just google it.... honestly...type "crickets"

  8. They make noisy noise and they are crunchy when you step on them . . or eat them.

    hope i helped  =P

  9. Crickets, family Gryllidae (also known as "true crickets"), are insects somewhat related to grasshoppers and more closely related to katydids or bush crickets (family Tettigoniidae). They have somewhat flattened bodies and long antennae. There are about 900 species of crickets. They tend to be nocturnal and are often confused with grasshoppers because they have a similar body structure including jumping hind legs.



        * 1 Cricket chirping

        * 2 Diet and life cycle

        * 3 Popular culture

        * 4 Taxonomy

        * 5 Footnotes

        * 6 See also

        * 7 External links

    [edit] Cricket chirping

    Crickets do not rub their hind legs together to chirp. The left forewing of the male has a thick rib (a modified vein) which bears 50 to 300 ridges. The chirp (which only male crickets can do) is generated by raising their left forewing to a 45 degree angle and rubbing it against the upper hind edge of the right forewing, which has a thick scraper (Berenbaum 1995). This sound producing action is called "stridulation" and the song is species-specific.

    There are four types of cricket song: The calling song attracts females and repels other males, and is fairly loud. The courting song is used when a female cricket is near, and is a very quiet song. An aggressive song is triggered by chemoreceptors on the antennae that detect the near presence of another male cricket and a copulatory song is produced for a brief period after successful deposition of sperm on the female's eggs.[citation needed]

    Crickets chirp at different rates depending on their species and the temperature of their environment. Most species chirp at higher rates the higher the temperature is (approx. 60 chirps a minute at 13°C in one common species; each species has its own rate). The relationship between temperature and the rate of chirping is known as Dolbear's Law. In fact, according to this law, it is possible to calculate the temperature in Fahrenheit by adding 40 to the number of chirps produced in 15 seconds by the snowy tree cricket common in the United States.[1]

    To hear the mating call of other crickets, a cricket has 'ears' located on its knees, just below the joint of the front legs. Their auditory sensation is mediated by tympanic membranes located in their knees.

    In 1970, Dr. William H. Cade discovered that the parasitic tachinid fly Ormia ochracea is attracted to the song of the male cricket, and uses it to locate the male in order to deposit her larvae on him. It was the first example of a natural enemy that locates its host or prey using the mating signal. Since then, many species of crickets have been found to be carrying the same parasitic fly, or related species.

    [edit] Diet and life cycle

    Scanning electron micrograph of a spiracle valve - the organ that allows fresh air to pass into the cricket's respiratory system

    Scanning electron micrograph of a spiracle valve - the organ that allows fresh air to pass into the cricket's respiratory system

    Crickets are omnivores and scavengers feeding on organic materials, as well as decaying plant material, fungi, and some seedling plants. Crickets also have been known to eat their own dead when there is no other source of food available.

    Crickets mate in late summer and lay their eggs in the fall. The eggs hatch in the spring and have been estimated to number as high as 2,000 per fertile female.[citation needed] Female crickets have a long needlelike egg-laying organ (ovipositor).

    Crickets are popular as a live food source for carnivorous pets like frogs, lizards, salamanders, and spiders. Feeding crickets with nutritious food in order to pass the nutrition onto animals that eat them is known as gut loading.

    Crickets are also eaten by humans in some African and Asian cultures. They are often considered a delicacy.

    [edit] Popular culture

    Crickets are popular pets and are considered good luck in Asia, especially China where they are kept in cages (Carrera 1991). It is also common to have them as caged pets in some European countries, particularly in the Iberian Peninsula. Cricket fighting as a gambling or sports betting pastime also occurs, particularly in Macau.

    The folklore and mythology surrounding crickets is extensive. [2]

    The singing of crickets in the folklore of Brazil and elsewhere is sometimes taken to be a sign of impending rain, or of a financial windfall. In Brazilian history, the sudden chirping of a cricket heralded the sighting of land for the crew of captain Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, just as their water supply had run out. (Lenko and Papavero 1996). In Caraguatatuba, Brazil, a black cricket in a room is said to portend illness; a gray one, money; and a green one, hope (Lenko and Papavero 1996). In Alagoas state, northeast Brazil, a cricket announces death, thus it is killed if it chirps in a house (Araújo 1977). In the village of Capueiruçu, Bahia State, a constantly chirping cricket foretells pregnancy, but if it pauses, money is expected (K.L.G. Lima, unpublished data). The mole cricket locally known as "paquinha", "jeguinho", "cachorrinho-d'água", or "cava-chão" (genera Scapteriscus and Neocurtilla, Gryllotalpidae) is said to predict rain when it digs into the ground (Fowler 1994).

    In Barbados, a loud cricket means money is coming in; hence, a cricket must not be killed or evicted if it chirps inside a house. However, another type of cricket that is less noisy forebodes illness or death. (Forde 1988) In Zambia, the Gryllotalpa africanus cricket is held to bring good fortune to anyone who sees it (Mbata 1999).

    In English-speaking comedy, the sound of crickets may be used to humorously indicate a dead silence when a response or activity is expected. For example, if a comedian in a TV show tells a bad joke, instead of the audience laughing, crickets may chirp.

    Similarly on political blogs, writers may use the concept of "crickets chirping" in a rhetorical sense to signal that the writer believes that he or she has made a point that a hypothetical opponent cannot answer. The space that would have been occupied by the nonexistent answer is instead occupied by the symbolic word *crickets* to symbolize this silence.

    The Disney corporation has used a number of notable cricket characters in their animated movies through the ages. Most of these characters represent good. For example, in the movie Pinocchio, Jiminy Cricket is honored with the position of the title character's conscience. In Mulan, Cri-kee is carried in a cage as a symbol of luck, as in many Asian countries.

    The Crickets were the band of legendary Rock n' Roll pioneer Buddy Holly.

    A Lubbock, Texas baseball team in the Texas-Louisiana League were called the Lubbock Crickets, named after hometown hero Buddy Holly's band.

    [edit] Taxonomy

    African field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus

    African field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus

    Subfamilies of the family Gryllidae:

        * Eneopterinae —

        * Gryllinae — common or field crickets; brown or black; despite the name, some of them enter houses (e.g. Acheta domesticus, the house cricket)

        * Nemobiinae — ground crickets

        * Oecanthinae — tree crickets; usually green with broad, transparent wings; frequent trees and shrubs.

        * Phalangopsinae

        * Podoscirtinae — anomalous crickets

        * Pteroplistinae

        * Trigonidiinae — sword-tail crickets

    In addition to the above subfamilies in the family Gryllidae, several other orthopteran groups outside of this family also may be called "crickets":

        * Mogoplistidae — scaly crickets

        * Myrmecophilidae — ant crickets

        * Mole crickets

        * Tettigoniidae - katydids or bush crickets

        * Cave crickets (also called camel crickets)

        * Sand crickets

        * Mormon crickets

        * Weta crickets

        * Jerusalem crickets

        * Parktown prawns

  10. its called google.

  11. go to Wikipedia

  12. google cricket info!

  13. they are also usually black, and u can tell the tempature outside by how many time they make that cricket noise

  14. Crickets call out to the moonlight.  

  15. they are goddamn annoying

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