
I need to know how much is the land in Yauco, Puerto Rico, its in the town of Barina?

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Also, how can obtain the necessary information to obtain the I submit any papers with the Town Municpality? If the land is flat is it worth more and if not, and what is the asking price for 20 acres approximately. I need to know immediately. And if there is people living on the land can I remove them?




  1. Yauco is a town or "municipio" in the south coast of Puerto Rico.  Barina is not a town, probably just an area, ward or "barrio" within Yauco.

    To purchase a land you must contact the land owner, and negotiate the price.  You may want a real state broker / realtor to assit you in the transaction and the paperwork required in the bank, legal documentation at Registro de la Propiedad (goverment agency for property registration), etc.

    A flat land is ussually priced more than a slanted or irregular land of same dimensions.

    People living on the land?  Who?

    1. If they are the previous owners who sold you the land, they will move out after the transaction is completed.  They would arrange the last date with you if they can not complete the move by the time the transaction is closed.

    2. If the land has house(s) constructed on it and it (they) is (are) rented to a third party.  The houses must be part of the transaction, that is you have to purchase the land with the houses on it.  As the new owner of the property (house) the tennants need to sign a rent contract with you or move out.  However, the previous owner must have informed them of the plans to sell the property in advance, so they can prepare to renegotiate with the new owner or to look for a new place to rent/live.  Ussually the tenants move before the transaction is completed.  You can not just go to the house and tell them: "Move out now, I'm the new owner here and I do not want you here."  a reasonable period to empty the house must be given.

    3. People living illegally on the property.

    If this is the case, you need to contact the police dept, to initiate a process to get them out.

    We like to do things civilized.

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