
I need to know how to renew my Child Development Associate credential (cda)?

by  |  earlier

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I received my cda 3 yrs. ago. This past year I was working outside of the childcare field and didn't renew it when I was suppose to. I had the 3 credits I needed but I didn't have time to get the paperwork done. Is it too late now that it has lapsed? I've looked on their website but I can't find anything about renewing after it has lapsed. Any info would be appreciated!




  1. hmm....u might just have to do it all over again if it lapsed hun!

    sort of like a drivers liscense, if u dont renew before or on ur birthday, u must take the test again. but get in touch with the board of education in ur area...u can also try getting in touch with a childrens hospital and let them know what ur seeking...they might be able to help!!!

    good luck to u hun and god bless!!!

  2. I think you need to redo. Yep, I got into the same boat. life happens I was going for a career change, I wasn't being lazy, kinda. why get a renewal if I am leaving the field? well, i am still here doing a GOOD JOB in preschool, I still need another year to change careers but in the meantime I will need to redo my CDA to keep my job. It isn't too much, you have the hours needed, just do the paperwork, get an advisor. Call the council. get hooked up with a CDA advisor. And some states will pay for you to get your CDA. best of luck !!!

  3. Try writing or phoning their headquarters,not everything is solved on the Internet..Makes one wonder if they have a rule that excludes people who permit their credential to LAPSE, because they are too busy to submit the paperwork,...after all maybe you shouldn't be in the CHILDCARE field!!!

  4. State Of California

    California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

    Box 944270(1900 Capital Avenue)

    Sacramento ,CA 94244-2700

    Phone Number 1(916) 4457254    or 1(888)9212682



    What you might do is to call them and find out what you might need to do and to get more paper work and this is the number you will have to call. You will need to get an Adviser and have them go through your paper work so they can see what you will need. You will not have to do things over again.  I have a Friend that is an adviser and she told me I did not have to do things over again. I would have to have her just check to see what I have already and what I have done now.

    I hope this will help.

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