
I need to know how to strech for a split and a scoripion.?

by Guest65832  |  earlier

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I need to know before the summer ends. Thanks ! can some one help cause i need to know cause im the only person who cant do it on my high school cheerleading team and im the best flyer cause i could do a basket toss but i want to be able to do a scoripion help me also is it true that you have to be able to do a split to be able to do a scoripon




  1. you dont need to do a split for a scorpion. but begin flexible in both ur back and legs will help.  Basically it is stretching everyday (and making it hurt) that help.

    this is a deceit site explaining a couple different stretches (mainly the last ones)

    partner stretches work the best but it is hard to explain them.  Try googling it.

  2. i don't know what a scoripion is but if u do need to do a split for it(i don't know which split), then strech everyday when u can. i think u have to do a stradle split. find a line and put ur legs on it and put ur elbows in front of u. for the side splits just but what ever leg in front of u on the line. make sure both leggs are on the line. keep straight. after a minute or two arch back. it stretches u even more! GOOD LUCK!!!

    (¯`·.·´¯) (¯`·.·´¯)

    `·.¸(¯`·.·´¯)¸ ...·´

    ×°× `·.¸.·´ ×°×

  3. Okay, you DON'T need to be able to do the splits for a scorpion. I don't have any of my splits and I can pull one. You have to ease yourself into it, like instead of trying to pull it all the way up in one day, start pulling higher scales or pull halfway up. After you get comfortable and your leg(s) are more flexible, you can start pulling it all the way. It takes time to get it higher, some websites can help with that. And also, if you want to stretch a scorpion and the splits, Go into left or right splits (the leg that says on the floor when you pull should be in front) and if you get comfortable there, start pulling your back leg to your head. It will help you pull your scorpion higher. *Warning, this is painful*. Hope I helped!

  4. Ill just tell you the easiest and shortest ways for both.


    Bridges help ALOT.

    Stand with your back away from a couch or a table or something. Put your leg up like you would for a scorpian.

    Grab your leg and pull it into the scorpian.

    This helps get your back muscles used to the motion of doing this skill.

    Practice for like 3 hours straight haha or like half an hour. I did it and then I could do it.

    It kind of hurts your back after a while.

    But no pain, no gain!

    Splits. Do over split on boxes or any higher object. Wear socks so you slide then lift your hands off the ground. You WILL slide down if you let yourself. It will hurt for like 10 seconds, but the pain goes away seriously. Dont give into it, Keep at it.

    Another way is to have someone sit on your butt. It will get you down, but this is quite painful. Very effective though.

    No you dont. That is ludacris. There are many people who can do either one or the other.


    If you practice all this atleast once or twice a day you can get it no trouble.

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