
I need to know how you can get put on methadone or something like that!!?

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i have become addicted to opiates and inpatient is not an option at this time. but people have said thier are meds avaible to help deal with stopping, because i cannot stop on my own. do you speak to your docter or something, because i know there are clinics that help with these situations, but i don't know how to go about getting started. any advice would help thanks




  1. Methadone is a safe and effective medication in the treatment of drug addiction and pain when used properly and it has been used for over 35 years in the US. I was addicted to opiates for 10 years and had tried every other form of detox available before discovering Methadone which literally saved my life. There are good and bad clinics out there depending on where you live. You don't need a referral from a doctor to go to a Methadone clinic. Some states go by only the federal guidelines while others have both state and federal guidelines they follow but generally all clinics require ...

    1. A one year or longer addiction to opiates. This is based on your word but you MUST have opiates in your urine when they screen you to ensure them you are on opiates.

    2. Many clinics require that you be in withdrawal (mild-moderate) before admitting you. This is tricky because you must have opiates and be in withdrawal. So, basically since most opiates leave your system in 2-3 days it is during that time you would enter treatment. Methadone eliminates withdrawal symptoms but it may take a few days to feel better because they can only give you 20-30mg the first day and usually they will increase you 5mg every other day until the withdrawal & cravings stop. Average dose is around 80-120mg but some require more and some less. However, many clinics like mine are hesitant to go beyond 85mg for anyone.

    Some clinics accept insurance and some accept medicaid while most are cash only and treatment is expensive! It varies by state but the east coast is more expensive than the west.

    Many clinics will do a phone interview with you first before setting up an appointment. This is just to make sure you qualify. IE...have you been on opiates for a year? Are you on any other drugs? If you are addicted to anything other then opiates (Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Morphine, Heroin) you will not be helped by methadone and probably turned away. If you take any kind of sedatives or benzodiazepines you will not be allowed to enter treatment until they are out of your system and you will not be able to take them during treatment even if prescribed by a doctor! There a few clinics that make exceptions but generally thats the rule Please remember XANAX OR VALIUM PLUS METHADONE CAN KILL YOU! So if you are addicted to Xanax also MMT is probably not for you. They also may ask you how you plan on paying for treatment and whether or not you have transportation to and from the clinic every day. If everything is ok they will make an appointment for you to come in.

    The first day expect to be there awhile. You will have a drug screen, a physical, blood draw, paperwork, meet your counselor, and get your first doe. This varies from each clinic but it is pretty close to what you will do.

    For the first 3mo's you will travel 7 days a week to the clinic to take your medication in front of a nurse. This is the hardest part to get used to but for me it was helpful because I knew if I had chosen Suboxone I would have taken the whole bottle within the first week. LOL It is prescribed by a doctor who is approved to dispense it and unlike Methadone you get a bottle of pills from the pharmacy and no counseling. Plus it is way more expensive. You will also have counseling sessions every week for the first 3mo's.

    If all goes well and you don't break the rules after 3mo's you will get take home doses (usually 1 x 3 more mo. and it goes on). Counseling and drug testing are also reduced from once a week to monthly.

    The medication you take will most likely be in the form of a liquid. Just so you know doctors cannot write for Methadone for addiction. Only for pain and then they are only allowed to write for the 5 and 10mg pills because they do not need the high doses required for addiction withdrawal whereas addiction clinics that do use pills can use the 40mg wafers as long as they are dissolved in water. This is so there is less chance of pocketing it and trying to sell it.  

    Finally, here is a link that will allow you to find a methadone clinic near you....

    Also here is a video with some info about methadone

    Lastly, here is my website about Methadone..

    Good Luck, I know I gave you much more than you ask for but I just tried to answer what I wanted to know before I started treatment. Good Luck. E-mail me if I can help.

  2. you would probably need a referral from your doctor, or if you don't have one go to a walk in clinic and they can still make a referral for you.  It depends on which state/province you live in, your doctor will be able to start you off in the right direction.  Its pretty intensive and can be seemingly intrusive, but methadone can be very dangerous.  There's probably regular urine testing and case management depending on where you go (the more intensive the better).  Its definitely effective treatment option, I don't want to deter you, but you have to be ready.  A clinic with a harm reduction model is probably the best.

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