
I need to know if I am able to preside over my own wedding in Pennsylvania.?

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Any help from someone intimately familiar with PA marriage laws would be helpful. If I am ordained and can present credentials, can I legally preside over my own wedding? This would apply to Allegheny, Crawford or Venango counties.




  1. no before you have to do that just wait a little longer

  2. That's just weird man, have someone marry you, your kids will think you are crazy.

  3. NO!  Are you having some kind of brain f**t here?

    You: Do you, Melissa, take me, Eric, to be your lawful wedded husband.........

    Bride: I do

    You: Do I, Eric, take you Melissa to be my lawful wedded wife.....

    You: I do

    You: I know pronounce us husband and wife

    You: I may now kiss my bride

    Man, this is just stupid. I'm a devout Christian. I'm all for saving money. But this is stupid!!!

    This is worse than being your own notary public when you need proof of identity in signing official documents. Just doesn't make any sense.

    EDIT:  Oh wait!  It might work if you acted as the minister, and had another guy stand in for you as proxy. He could repeat the vows and kiss the bride. THAT might be good................

  4. What? Why would you wanna do that?

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