
I need to know if I should go to a college in the Philippines or stay here in the United States?

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I'm an upcoming senior and I want to know if my choice would be the best. I could go back and study in the Philippines or just stay here and study in a community college. I still have one more year but I'm sure it will go fast. Please help me.




  1. stay in the united states, ok im am studying in the philippines right now and not that i am not patriotic and stuff, i love the philippines, mahal ko ang pilipinas, but the education system of the philippines is seriously wasted.

  2. if i had a chance to study i he US, i would not have a second thought. US education is more recognized worldwide i think.  

  3. Education in USA is far more comprehensive and valued than that achieved in Philippines.

  4. Get your degree in the U.S.

    While there are many fine universities in the Philippines, the degrees earned there are often not accepted for jobs in other countries. U.S. degrees are generally accepted all over the world.

    If you get a U.S. degree you could work either in the U.S., the Philippines, or in many other countries. Philippine degrees are far more limited in the possibilities they can offer you worldwide.

    It would be great if you got a U.S. degree and came back to work in the Philippines! :)

  5. unless you plan on majoring being a nurse, stay here. most of them are worthless.

  6. Spend your travel money for your college education here in the US.  You don't hv to go to a community college, go to a university!  Scholarships, student loans, or government help are available for you to get a great education.  That's the beauty of studying here in the US, you hv everything handed to you and all you hv to do is utilize it.  Talk to admissions of different schools you're interested in.  US degree is recognized world wide esp. if you get a good GPA.  NOW, if you want to see the world, specifically the Philippines before you go to college, try and convince the parents if you can go there after graduation.  I honestly think that this just really boils down to curiosity, isn't it?  

  7. even if philippine schools are at par with most colleges in america,

    there seems to be an apparent bias for american employers to hire american graduates over overseas graduates.  

    the advantage of studying in the philippines would be getting quality education at considerably lower cost.  lower tuition and  cheaper living expenses.

  8. I studied at the University of Southern California and I would say that it did just work out fine... If you plan on working in the US in the future then I would suggest that staying in America to study. Education in America is quiet expensive, but you have all the resources there ready and available (comparing to Philippine schools) and as you say you only have one more year to go so why not finish you schooling at where ever school you are enrolled right now.

  9. Dude,

    1) A proper university in the Philippines is more well recognized than any "community college" in the US.  Not to be mixed up with a proper university in the US which is no doubt a notch better.

    2) You could study for a few years in the Philippines and still go back to finish a degree in the US.  Assuming you have a residence permit (green card) in the US, you can always go back and study (the visa is the biggest hurdle).  This is one of the great things in America.  You would probably benefit a lot form spending a year "abroad," and this is also something recognized later by employers.

    3) What is your ultimate goal?  What is your purpose for education? What type of job do you want after graduation? These are all things that you need to keep in mind when chosing a school - regardless of the country it is in.  A degree from Ateneo will be more widely recognized in Asia than that of the State University of Montana for example, but if you are dying to work in Helena most employers wouldn't know where the Philippines is.  I noticed a lot of comments about "employers in America ...", and "in America ..."  I don't know why some people assume that everyone wants to work in America.  America has to be one of the worst countries to be an employee in - running your own business is a different bag.  I left there a long time ago and never want to go back.  There are also good jobs in the Philippines contrary to all of the wingeing one reads here.

    Dude, go to the Philippines for a year at least.  Even if you eventually go back to the US and "lose" a year, who cares - go live life, it will be a great experience.  You will have your entire life ahead of you to work after graduation.

  10. It depends on what do you plan to take in college. Not all schools in the Phil. sucks. There are good schools like De La Salle, Ateneo University, University of Asia and the Pacific etc.

    Do you have relatives there? This would definitely make your stay a lot easier if ever you decided to study in the Philippines.

    Where in the Philippines do you intend to study?

  11. If your intended major is anything that requires licensing - ie.  Pharmacy, Nursing, Physical THerapy and essentially all the allied health professions, you would be best completing the certificate at a community college rather than go abroad to get a four year degree.  However, if you'd like to work in a field that does not have a licensing procedure - BS Biology, Chemistry, or any of the sciences, go home.  It's cheaper, compares to a community college, and pretty much will get you the same jobs as a US citizen will be offerred.

  12. A US education in your resume with good grades is of course impressive, but a community college isn't all the great.

  13. It actually depends on your choice =]

    but...I do suggest that you stay there in the United States although I'm studying here in the Philippines(AMA -BSCS freshman)...=]

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