
I need to know if a mother of 4 young boys ever has a chance of being in a loving relationship after divorce?

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I absolutely love my children and every decision I make is for their happiness and future, but I still want to be loved. I am an attractive 32 year old lady. I know that I'm not alone and I'm not Lonely. I have my beautiful boys but I miss love.




  1. I am in the same situation as you only i've got 3 great boys, not 4.  Yes!  There is no reason we won't meet great guys who will love and adore us and our kids.  It WILL happen!  I'm so proud of you (and me) for going through divorce!  Aren't you sick of all the whiners who complain about their miserable marriages or worse, their cheating spouses and stay with them!! So weak!! We are so strong!!!!  

  2. Sure why not it happens every day  

  3. Your still young and your boys will grow up so don't worry about it. I am a mother of four boys at 29, and i try to focus on my kids and work, while my husband and i live almost like roommates. Every woman deserves to have someone to love and be loved, keep a positive attitude and good things will come your way..... it could be worse.

  4. It will be harder then someone with less children or none.  Of course there is still hope.  I just started working with a single mom of three and her youngest has a terminal disease and she is in a relationship with a guy that is crazy about her, he's a good guy who could aparently have anyone and he choose her.  Don't give up.  put your best face forward everday because you never know when "that day" will come.

  5. Of course someone special will find you. I was 36 when I married for the 2nd time and he is 7 years younger than  me. I wasn't looking, he just kinda showed up in my life.

  6. Of course your lonesome but i have to be honest. Most men would find your situation somewhat frightening. If your boys are well behaved and you are a well respected mother, then sure you can find someone, it happens everyday. but face the facts that it may not ever happen.

  7. Here is a story,

    Of a lovely, lady, Who is raising 4 young boys on her own

    Here is a story, of handsome man, who is raising 3 boys of his own,

    Til the 1 day when this lady, met this fellow....

    Get involved in church groups,

    clean, healthy active place for your kids....

    And perhaps there might be a single guy, or some one who knows some one at the other church.....

    But keep making decisions based on your kids needs and be patient, and choosy

  8. yes you can be, however to find a person willing to spend the time and money to help you raise them is going to be a hard sell no matter how good you look.

  9. I agree with Benji. Start at a good christian based church.

  10. Sure is.  Start looking.  Churches, libraries, singles groups, sporting events etc.  By the way, your young for having four boys.  I thought you were an old lady or something, the way you were talking.  Cheer up, continue to put your boys first, but make sure you make an effort to look for love too.  Good Luck.  

  11. Get out and socialize.  If you don't, you are never going to meet single men.  I would say that is your biggest obstacle.  If you socialize and involve yourself in situations where you are able to meet new people (not just for dating) it will happen for you.  You might meet someone at a PTA meeting who has a child in your class, after being friends for a while she introduces you to her brother's best friend and,......

    Socialize.  Socialize.  Socialize.

  12. If you are a milf, you just need to wait.  Lovers will find you.  I myself have been known to hook up with a milf once in a while.  There is truly something to be said for experienced women.  Yummy!

  13. You sound like someone that would be so easy to love.You've passed the first test with flying colors- a loving caring mother.There is not a greater character trait that a women can have that would impress me more, then to love your children and put them first. There will be someone that will come into your life that will make you happy and give you the love you desire. Be very picky.Do not grab the first man that shows an interest. He will need to love children, and be a good role model to the kids as they grow up. Make sure of this one fact before a total commitment is made. A man would be lucky to have someone like you in his life.I know what it's like to be lonely, but sometimes it's better to be lonely, then to be with the wrong person. I wish you the best of luck, and all the happiness this world can hold. Good luck!

  14. My wife thought the same thing as you, only she had three kids 2 girls 1 boy divorced and not happy with her life but she had her kids, and of all the places to meet we met at a skating ring and that was 6 years ago and we are very happy all of us,, so never give up hope, you will find someone to love you and your 4 kids, there is someone out there for everyone

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