
I need to know if anybody has ever used a ouja board on a person they had a crush on? did it work...?

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I need to know if anybody has ever used a ouja board on a person they had a crush on? did it work...?




  1. ouija boards are soo bad to play with, you never know what forces you are letting in! I would never use one period!

  2. Ouija boards have been proven time and again to be fake.  The messages you get from them are just the concious or subconcious manipulations of one or more people using the board.

    You can blindfold the users so they can't see the board and they won't be able to come up with any messages - just gibberish.

    I don't know how you "use" a ouija board on someone you have a crush on, but whatever the case there will be no effect.  Better just to talk to the person or flirt naturally.  Good luck!

  3. I personally have never used a Ouja board. However 3 of my friends did and they ask the board was I pregnant - I hadn't been trying and come to find out the Ouja board said I was - I went immediately and took a test was positive !!

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