
I need to know if i am CRAZY! ?

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Okay, so i have been in this serious relationship for 6 years. I just found out that 3 years ago there was an incodent and i can't get it out of my mind.

There was a party at my boyfriends house. His parents came home unexpectidly, but his cousin , her friend and his friend stayed over (they were visiting from out of town for the week). I went home pretty late.

The next morning, my best friend got a call from my boyfriend saying that he was soo angry at his friend. According to my bf, the friend had gotten up in the middle of the night (drunk) went upstairs ... past the parents room and slept with his cousins friend. She was freaking out the next morning saying he took advantage of her and he didnt know what to do. His friend was apparently gone, because he got called into work (snow duty) and everyone else was asleep. So he says he called the friend and was angry at him. Then he called my best friend because she wanted to get the morning after pill. My best friend says at first she was weary, but since he had never shown anything like this behaviour before and he seemed pretty angry.. she beleived him and told him to buy the birth control.

He said he didnt tell me because the girl didn't want me to feel awkward around her for the rest of her stay.

I confirmed that his best friend did go to work that morning. I got the phone records and he did call his best friend that morning for like 3 minutes and then called my best friend right after.

Anyway supposeably my bf and his best friend didnt talk for a week and eventually the best friend asked him to meet him sothey could talk. Everything was cool after that. I vaugely remember him going for coffee with him...

The weird thing is, she never was weird around me. She even gave me her phone number. She posted pics from the party the next day and his best friend was sort of cut out of them.

After not speaking with the girl for a while, i asked her and she was offended I brought it up. She said if that was the only reason i was talking with her, than she is very sorry... then she said my bf is a good man and he was only there to help her?

I also spoke to the best friend about it, and he said it was him. He didnt brush the subject away or anything.

I dont need someone to say i need to trust him, what i need is an opinion.

#1 I think this is wack... would the best friend have the Ballz to go up stairs in his friends house and sleep with a girl he barely knows? I couldnt do such a thing... since then however, i have heard that he doesn't have the best judgement.

#2 if my bf cheated, would she have continued to talk with me? and give me her phone number?

#3 My boyfriend has never shown any signs of disrespect to women. As a matter of fact, he is very reserved and proper when it comes to s*x. Would someones personally change that drastically in a span of a couple hours?

#4 And finally, would a guy make his best friend look really bad by saying the girl said he took advantage of her? He continued to say that there was a previous inccident like this before (not sure if this is a lie) but would you call out a buddy like that, just to save yourself?

It is just wack!




  1. 3 years ago. there's the answer. let it go.

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