
I need to know if i am g*y or bi?

by  |  earlier

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yesterday i was hanging out with one of my friends, he has been my friend for a few years, anyways we went to a movie and went swimming, just hung out, and around the end of the day i decided to spend the night at his house, we watched a movie and smoked out lol, i was sitting on the couch and he went to the kitchin and when he came back he sat next to me, and when the movie was over, we put another one on and i had already seen it so i just went and took a shower,and in the middle of shampooing my hair i heard the curtain move so i washed off my face and he was naked in front of me, and i think u can guess wat happened next, but wat i am wondering is now that i lost my g*y cherry i guess u could say, am i fully g*y or just bi? and if u want all the details just email me




  1. If you still have a sexual attraction to women then you would be bisexual.

  2. well,,

    if your bi,,

    you would also have interest in girlss,, and would be willing to do the same thing, and or be in an relationship with one,,

    as well as with a guy,,

    where as if you are just g*y,,

    you only see yourself with guys,,

    which is perfectly fine.

    but really only you can know if you are completely g*y,,

    no one can really tell you such info about yourself.

  3. does it really matter? Do you really need to place yourself into a category,label yourself? Take your time ,go with the flow mate.....Look, alot of us do label,i guess to make it easier to identify with one another ( keeping in mind mans greatest fear is the 'unknown'). xxxxooooxx Or should we rephrase that as 'the narrow minded man'...hehehe

  4. That's s**y. Anyway, I'm going to assume he is the g*y or bisexual one. Only you; yourself can decide if you are g*y.

    Are you attracted to women? No? Perhaps you are g*y.


  5. well first off how old are you and are you still attracted to girls

  6. Um by reading your story I'm amusing that your friend is g*y instead of you...If HE was naked in front of you that would be g*y to me.Did he ever get in the shower with you or something..I don't think your g*y but I think your friend is by reading your story....

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