
I need to know more about Australia. Can someone help?

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I am going to australia with like 5 other people in the 5th and 6th grade at my school. I need to know more about australia before I decide to go. It would help if you could tell me.

- If I walk outside from the place I am staying ( another home), what do I see, Would I see kangaroos?

- Do australians have anything against and type of race. many coutries don't like other races.

- What are the schools like.

-What bugs would I see?

-Any thing else that is important that I need to know about before I talk to my parents about going. I already asked my mom that means she is thinging about the posibilities and what happens in australia. Nothing bad though. I heard that australians were really nice, and I love there accents.

Thanx for helping me if you did. I might even see u soon!




  1. G'day buddy,

    I am a sixteen year old Sydneysider and I have a lot to tell you about this great country but I'll keep it short for now:

    * Kangaroos? Hmm... it'll be impossible to see one if you live in the city unless you're in a zoo. I won't argue this with you though if you live in the outback or the bushes.

    * Bugs? You may see quite a few but they're harmless really. In winter, you won't see much. During summer, you can expect mozzies and flies, which is a problem here.

    * Other races? Look, in EVERY place, there WILL be a few who will disagree or reject other races but this will be unlikely as you will blend in as much as the others since we are multicultural. We are very tolerant and laid back people. Easy going kinda type.

    * Schools? The schools here are great! Compared to other countries, we lack cafeterias and we eat outdoors on the playground though. Education here is excellent and they can lead you to many opportunities if you work hard.

    Other stuff:

    * The weather here can get very hot particularly in summer with temperatures easily over 30 degrees.

    * We are home to some of the world's most venomous snakes and spiders so if you're bush walking, take extra precaution and keep an eye out. It will be unlikely you will encounter these though.

    I hope this helps and I really wish you all the best in Australia.

    Have a great time!

    From your Aussie mate Dan.

  2. Where are you going?

    Where are you staying in these places?

    Australia's as big as the USA, so there's a lot of places you could be staying.

    (so assuming you're American)

    If you're in a city:

    - No you won't see any kangaroos, you'll see pretty much the same things as you would in America

    - No, most Australians aren't racist. But like in any country, there's bound to be a few idiots. You'd hear more racist jokes/taunts for being American than being.. Chinese or African, etc.

    - The schools are a lot more open planned than in the USA. I don't think I've ever seen a school in Australia that is built like an American school, all indoors, tonnes of hallways, etc.

    - Extra things... have fun? If you're in Sydney, go to the Royal Botanic Gardens. Great place. Great views.

  3. - Unless you're staying in a house in the bush, you probably won't see kangaroos.

    - You may come across some racists but I think you'll find Australia is very multi-cultural and we're pretty relaxed and tolerant people.

    - The schools are fine, but I've only attended Australian schools so I don't have anything to compare them to.  Aussie schools don't have cafeterias. Most require uniforms (even public schools). Even tiny schools still have uniforms; I went to a K-12 school of only 200 students and uniform was still compulsory.

    - Flies, spiders, mozzies (mosquito's). Wear some Aeroguard when outside at night.

  4. Are you in the 5th grade? If you are, you so frickin rock sockz. Anwayz, Australia is the type of place that I think everyone would fit right into. Besides the accent. I believe when you get there, before you should really brush up on their accent. It'll be really impressive if you learn their accent. It's so frickin KOOL! They are VERY nice and you would rarely see kangaroos unless you go to the zoo.

    Try this search:

  5. You most likely wouldn't see kangaroos unless you go to a zoo.

    Australia is a very multi-cultural country, the majority of us aren't racist.

    The schools are okay. I went to a private school in the U.S. and I prefer it to the ones out here.

    I'm assuming you live in the U.S. The culture out here is not like you would probably picture Australia from movies like Crocodile Dundee and people like Steve Irwin. In different ways though it's a lot different to the U.S., yet in many ways it's still similar.

    I think it would be a great experience, personally. I'm sure you'd really enjoy it!

  6. Outside the house you are staying there will probably just be an ordinary garden, nothing exciting, maybe a dog etc. Many Australian houses have possums living in the roof or nearby however, your hosts may be able to let you feed one some fruit at night.

    Australians are probably the least racist people in the world as a whole, but you can unfortuantely find racist people even here.  Australian people have come from absolutely everywhere.

    Primary schools are pretty much all single story, with the classroom door opening direct to the outside, and the kids and teachers are very nice. Canteens supply healthy food only.

    Mosquitoes are a problem outdoors in summer, especially in the evening. Wear insect repellent if you go outside at this time of day. There are spiders etc but it is very very rare to have a problem with them. Don't leave your shoes outside overnight and you'll be OK.

    Most Australians live in big cities on the coast, but in a free-standing house surrounded by garden on a quiet street.

    You'll enjoy it, approach it with an open mind expecting things to be a bit different (but not worse). Australia's a great place.

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