
I need to know more about Primerica?

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Please, I need more information.. I have done all the searches on-line and I am getting mixed results. Please if you are a Primerica Rep., and you have your own business.. Tell me about it. How long before you had capital gain, if any? What are your pros and cons? Do you have quality of life, and the freedom to make your own schedule like they claim. Is this worth it? Is there really money to be made with this?




  1. The Primerica opportunity is not for quitters!! Panzies need not apply either

    For More information

  2. Before I start, you shouldn't base your future on how others has done in the company. Only you can control your future.

    As you probably know, there is a $99 state licensing paperwork fee. When I joined in 2004, it was $199. Couple weeks after I joined, I went to pre-licensing school. I pass that school and then I had to pay for my state test and for fingerprinting. I got my life license about a month after I joined and got reimbursed for my state exam and fingerprinting. (Your state may not require a fingerprinting. Check with your RVP).

    About 2 weeks after I got my life licensed, I helped a husband and wife who both had a universal life policy. The husband had $100,000 of coverage and the wife had $50,000. The total monthly premiums was $316. They had the policy since there were 40 years old. When I saw them there were 56 years old and I was able to give the husband $250,000 and the wife $150,000 coverage on a 20 Year Term for just $213/month. I was at the Rep level. so I earn 25% commissions. So I got paid $639.

    They didn't had any big debt, other than small balances on their credit cards, which they paid off every month. With the $113/month savings on their life insurance, my Regional Vice President helped them invest it into mutual funds. I wasn't securities licensed at that time, so I wasn't able to help them invest the difference. If I did, I would of made $1.70/month. PFS Investments don't pay until my income on securities reaches at least $25. But I got my securities licensed about a year after I joined and I was a District Leader at that time. So I took over my client's account from my RVP and since they were still investing every month, I got paid $1.98 every month. I currently earn about $1500/month from securities because I have bunch of clients investing every month and it will continue to grow as I and my team get more clients.

    I don't have the quality of life that other successful people in Primerica has, but it has gotten better. When I go out to eat with my parents, brother and sisters, I pay for it all and I let them order whatever they want. Before Primerica, we choose the cheapest item on the menu and split the bill among ourselves.

    I'm not financially independent yet, but with consistent hard work and be focus on my goals, I will get there. This is the key element to be successful in any type of business: Working consistently and never lose sight of your goals and dreams.

  3. Primerica debate team is dead on.  Your getting involved in a business that you can not base on what someone else does or doesn't do.  I'm not with Primerica, but it's simple business knowledge on that.  Here's an article that I recommend you reading on business opportunities.  It's not designed for one particular home base business opp.  but it will give you a lot of information on what to expect and what you need to do etc to help you succeed in your business.  The success of a business relies solely on the owner.  Look into the opportunity for yourself, not for what others have or have not done.  What they did or did not do is irrelivent to what you would or could be doing.  Understand?  I know people who do well with this, and I know people who did not.  That is them, not you.

  4. Run away as fast as you can.

    Primerica offers a "one size fits all" financial plan for everyone regardless of their personal circumstances.  Primerica will hire anyone with a pulse and at least a few friends and family members and then offer overpriced products to these warm contacts.  One the new Primerica drops out, his/her family members are left with overpriced and often inappropriate products.

    What Debate Team did with that middle-aged couple is guarantee that when one of them dies, the survivor will live just above poverty.

    Visit www dot Financial-Planning dot com and read the views from professionals with many years experience about Primerica.  There are many better opportunities in the Financial Services industry.

    Run Away from Primerica!


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