
I need to know more about letting my baby cry it out?

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she is almost 8 months old and is still waking up twice a month. and unlike all you supermoms that are going to tell me im damaging her i am only human and need to start getting more sleep before i go back to school next month. she goes to bed at 7 wakes at 11:30 then again at 4:30 and then sleeps until 7. I have to feed her for her to go back to bed. what is the right way to let her cry it out




  1. twice a month waking like that isnt bad !  Babies go thru phases, you might have a week she's up alot and another she sleeps like crazy. I dont think its bad to see if she settles herself after 10 minutes at night, alot of times they will. and 8 months isint too young to be on a schedule. (with flflexibilityBut bottom line is, she's a baby. youre not going to be guaranteed hrs of solid sleep for a looonnnng time

  2. My eight month old is still waking up most nights for a bottle too, Down at around 8:30/ up at 12 or 1 for a bottle/ up at 5 or six for abottle- if it is after 6 she is up for the day.  This not a situation for letting her cry- she is hungry then feed her.  If she starts waking to play then let her cry for a bit.  My daughter is way over height and a good bit under weight. My husband was really skinny and 6'1" thru HS and I was really skinny until HS, so I think she just can not hold as much in her belly as a bigger baby. She is also still eating every 3-4 hr thru the day and only 4-6 oz at a time except for food (then she stuffs herself)

  3. i dont believe in the cry it out anything........

  4. Read this article about a study on crying it out ans see if you'd still like to let her cry it out. Crying it out is bad to say the least.

  5. if she is crying because shes hungry then thats diffrent from just wanting your attention.if you know that its time for her to eat you should get up no matter how tired you are.When my son wakes in the middle of the night i feed him and try to put back down to sleep.If that doesnt work than i take him to bed with me,lay him down and let him know that this time is sleep time"nite nite" is what i use.He fights for a little bit,but eventually he sees that mom and dad are not up and he goes back to sleep.Then take him back to the crib.

    Also make sure your baby is full,try putting some baby oatmeal in the milk or formula,at this age when babies are full normally they sleep the whole night.Trust mine is about to be 13mths old so im not too far ahead of you,and Im still having "nite nite" problems-lol

    good luck

  6. I have not used it myself, but I have heard very good things about "The No Cry Sleep Solution" by Elizabeth Pantly.

  7. hunger cries and cries for simply getting attention and being up aren't the same. you just have to know the difference between when she really needs something or it isn't serious. if its not serious, you let her cry it out for 10-15min and then try to put her down again. sometimes it could be just cuz she's teething, going through a growth spurt, sick, or hungry. if she's often hungry at that time of morning, try making her meals larger, more frequent, and feeding her just before bed.

  8. Slightly start pushing her bed time back a bit, might make her more tired and she may sleep longer.

    Also, space out her feedings so she is eating a large amount before sleeping (i don't know how often you are feeding her, but she could be eating smaller amounts more frequently instead of larger amounts with more space between).

    When she wakes up in the night don't rush in, wait a minute then go in. When you go in make sure there is nothing she needs (like a diaper change), lay her back down in her crib and walk away. If she cries again give it a couple minutes until you go in. Check her, lay her down, walk away. Make the time between a little longer every time. It's a hard thing to do, she'll break your heart crying (and you might get greif from the significant other like I did), but don't give in! It will pay off.

    It will be really rough in the beginning, but she will start to self sooth herself and eventually just go back to sleep on her own without you coming in. Good luck!

    LMC said "...or, just bring her back to bed with you for sleep and cuddle time?"......... Lots of cases of parents rolling over and suffocating their children, pretty scary stuff. Plus, this would be a quick fix, you'll end up with a kid that doesn't want to sleep in their own bed, hence no sleep or private time for you!

  9. it sounds like you have it pretty easy.  i would love for my baby to only wake up twice a night.  she's waking up because she NEEDS to eat.  being short on sleep is part of being a mother.  get used to it.

  10. She's waking up twice a month?  I assume you mean twice a night.  I know it can be tough to go without sleep but I don't have any advice for crying it out.  

  11. Start small - let her cry for 5min - then 10 min and max, 15.  Go in and comfort her but don't pick her up.  If she's hysterical then pick her up but give it a week and try that...or, just bring her back to bed with you for sleep and cuddle time?

  12. All you need to know that it is a bad idea.  

  13. well first of all maybe try putting her to sleep a little later around 9:00 and that might cut out one of the wake-ups. my suggestion. make a bed time routine every nite. good dinner, bath, play maybe story if u read to her, bottle with cereal and bed. as long as they are full b4 bed then they shouldnt be hungry in the middle of the night. she might be waking up just to have it or its a comfort. when she wakes up in the middle of the night dont go in her room right away maybe she will fall back asleep. if after 5-10 minutes she hasnt fell asleep then go in dont pick her up or talk to her just rub her back or her tummy for a minute so she is reassured you are still there. then leave the room. if she continues to cry keep repeating the process every 5-10 minutes just reassuring her you are there. it might take awhile the first few nights but she should get it after a few nights. i hope this helps!

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