
I need to know more about p2p sharing ?

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I am kinda new at p2p. i have been working with U torrent and lime wire. does sharing files consume to many PC resources? does uploading take to much band width and slow other internet functions, especially with torrents? what security risks are involved with sharing files?




  1. Utorrent is a client of the BitTorrent filesharing network.  It's highly regarded as being efficient and leaving a small memory footprint on user's PCs. I'd ditch LimeWire as it's quickly becoming the next Kazaa.  And compared to other clients, utorrent won't bog down your system so long as you're running a system with something more than a Pentium II and 64MB of memory.

    You're encouraged to upload at least as much as you download when using networks such as BitTorrent.  People who only download and refuse to upload as known as leechers.  Often the penalty for leeching on most networks is the person is lowered in a file queue.

    Security should be your first concern dealing with p2p networks.  At a minimum, you should have a good antivirus program such as Avast! Pro and a firewall program.  ZoneAlarm is often recommended.

  2. That's a very relative question, it depends entirely on how fast your computer and bandwidth are.

    With bittorrent and limewire you can set bandwidth levels so it shouldn't cause a problem.

    On security risks, you have all the same risks as opening files attached to emails from unknown people, especially on limewire.

    Best advice is to stick to a member only torrent site where you'll have better quality torrents.

    Check out as well

  3. I can only answer the security part of your question.  You are putting your PC at great risk when you use P2P sharing for every kind of virus, malware, keylogger, spyware, adware, rouge dialers, etc. etc.  

    I have friends that have destroyed their new PC HDD with P2P, because of over 500 trojans being installed while using P2P.  

    Plus it is a crime to share files, download files, or upload files if you are not the owner of the file.  The origianl owner of any file, move, game, etc. etc., is usually copyrighted.  

    And unless the original owner gives you permission to use thier software you are stealing the software.  

    Depending on what country you reside in it is possible you can find the police knocking at your door with a search warrant to take your PC, and possible you if their is evidence on your HDD that is criminal.

    Mind Doctor, France

  4. A P2P obviously uses resources while its running, but not too much. However, it is constantly writing to the HDD, so you may notice a reduction in performance in other tasks.

    It uses as much of your bandwidth as you set in the preferences. This can be all of it, none of it, or anywhere in between... your choice.

    The security risks are that you can never be sure exactly what it is you're downloading... it could be a virus or other malware. To that end, always make sure your anti-virus is running.

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