
I need to know my rights as the person at blame in an accicdent.?

by  |  earlier

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I was driving down the road when I had to make a sudden stop, it happened very quickly, now I slammed on the breaks and slid into the rear end of this mans car. To begin with this car doesn't even look like it should be on the road. I dented his bumper. There is not alot of damage to the car that I caused. I gave him my insurance and license. Which I have had only for a month now. He called me that night asking for $1500 if we didn't want to go through insurance. Which I don't cause I would be paying thousands as apose to hundreds. I went over to give him the money and his mother is saying that she doesn't want to sign a release nor take my money because what if three days from now he wont be able to work. This man will not go to the doctor. So how do I know that he can't work? What I am saying now is I will give him $1500, or go through insurance and that way he wont get anything. Can I legally say no to giving him money for injuries if he does not prove that he cannot work by showing my something from his doctor?




  1. Don't give this guy any money.

    Call your insurance company and let them handle it.

  2. GO THROUGH YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY. They are running a scam on you. There is nothing from preventing them to blackmail you further. Your insurance will not raise that much. It is is your fault because you slid into him but did you get a police report? Chances are he does not have insurance. Without a police report, your insurance will bully him and most likely the case will be dropped.

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