
I need to know roughly how much it will cost me to home school my son who is starting year 7.?

by Guest31831  |  earlier

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What sort of materials are provided for home schooling and what is the cost involved? How will I know what books we will need and can I get most from the library? How many hours per day will we need to commit to?If you have any more information you think would be of help please let me know or steer me in the right direction. We live in frankston Victoria. Thanks.




  1. Wow...the world of home schooling is so diverse as far as curriculums and approaches, there's no way to really answer any of your questions exactly.

    If you're looking at traditional home schooling there's SO many books and curriculums to choose from it's amazing!  The time commitment really depends on your teaching style, your individual child, and your curriculum.

    I'd say your first step is to find out the laws about home schooling where you live.  Go to for all sorts of info..  Then start looking around for curriculums online and at book stores.  Here are some sites:

    Once you start looking up this info. you're well on your way on the road to home schooling! It's easier then it sounds.  Just relax and help your son enjoy his learning experience as you learn along with him :)  Gl!

  2. is where i go for 7th grade.

    its online school for about 2000 dollars

    or you can try or .org i cant remeber

    its free though

  3. Most people spend about $200-$300 to hs.  It is cheaper in the lower grades, but the books get more costly in grade 7 and again in grade 9.  [When the next child comes along they are cheaper because you only have to order workbooks for them, and already have the textbook...]

    If you mean a 7 yo, then school should take about 1-1.5 hrs.  If you mean 7th grade, it should take about 3-4 hrs each day.

    There are TONS of hs books you can use, and you really need to order some catalogs and look through them and talk to other hs'ers and get their recommendations.  There have been lots of other questions asked on this forum identical to yours, and I'm sure other people have answered this pretty thoroughly.  It would help you to look at some past answers and then maybe post another more specific question, or perhaps email the posters who answered the question to ask more about what they wrote.

    Good luck with your son!  Hsing is a wonderful adventure for those so inclined!

  4. It really depends on how you homeschool and what materials you decide to use.  Homeschooling looks different from family to family.  The choices are all yours.

    Homeschooling doesn't have to be expensive.  Some people homeschool for free.  Here is some info on affordable homeschooling:

    For a 7 year old, it shouldn't take more than 1-2 hours.  Here is some info on homeschool schedules:

    Here is some info on homeschooling methods:

    Here are some popular curriculum companies:

  5. Well, it can be reasonable. In the first year, my mom got the curriculum but after that realized it wasn't worth it.

    I'd look at textbooks from Pearson Education. They are of high-quality. I don't know if you mean 7 years old or 7th grade. In 7th grade, you may have the cost of college if there's any course you cannot teach him that is taught at the community college. You should get the study materials from the tutoring center before taking the test, however.

  6. when i started out, i attending a homeschool convention and got some second hand book really cheap. it was great, because we did not use all of them and I gave them to other families. It gave me a chance to check out a curriculum without paying a lot so I feel stuck.

    We use the library a lot too.

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