
I need to know some advantages of nicotine!!!!!!?

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I need to know some advantages of nicotine!!!!!!?




  1. it suppresses hunger and promotes bowel movements

  2. It helps you to commit suicide, the long, slow, painful way.  Oh, wait a minute, you said advantages.

  3. None. Kills you and eats up your money.

  4. None.

  5. its just money for the government at least take a drug that does something to you other than just get you hooked!

  6. It makes Ganja smoke better.

  7. It is a stimulant so it helps you stay awake and, it also helps you p**p!

  8. It suspresses hunger, reduces stress, gives people a chance to socialise when out, provides comfort, wakens you up.  

  9. It is a plants natural defense against herbivores

  10. Nicotine is a relaxant, it has been shown in some studies to help delay the onset of Parkinson's disease as well as Alzheimer's disease, it has also been shown to ease the symptoms of Attention Deficeit disorder as well as Tourettes syndrome.  Annecdotal evidence shows an effect on mental alertness, contrary to its nature as a relaxant, and it has been successfully used in the treatment of addicion to harder drugs.

    It is important to note that nicotine is perfectly safe, but most current methids of obtaining it are not.  Smoking kills,  It is not the nicotine in cigarettes that cause cancer, it is the 40,000+ other chemicals, many of which are known carcinogens. Further, smoking even natural tobacco is harmful as the lungs are poorly equipped to deal with smoke and other particles entering them.

    Again, Nicotine itself is a safe, natural chemical. It has been found in trace amounts in many of the foods we eat on a daily basis.  In fact, one company has started to produce a drink that contains it so you can ingest it without any concerns over health; Niclite at although it should be noted that the product is currently being marketed as a drink to help aid in the cessation of smoking.

  11. Cancer

  12. Its the most addictive drug there is... (could be an advantage - if you don't want to replace it with a harder drug)

  13. It can be used as an insecticide.

  14. Makes you feel relaxed

  15. There are no advantages. All it does is kill you and makes you waste your money!  

  16. It's said to improve memory.

    It can be used as an insecticide, and has various effects on different insects including being a neurotoxin.

    Planting nicotiana or tobacco plants in your garden will keep deer from eating your plants.


    Contrary to what one of the other responders said,

    nicotine is indeed toxic to human beings.  If you ingested the purified amount of nicotine in seven cigarettes (instead of smoking them, which burns most of the nicotine), you would die.  The lethal dose for an adult human is about 60 mg.  Edit:  Nicotine isn't used any more as an insecticide on crop plants because of this toxicity to humans beings.


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