
I need to know the weapons of the archangels, their colors, and also the demons of the seven sins.?

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I need some help? I need to know the weapons of the seven archangels? The colors of their robes? What are the attributes of the archangels? Like Michael is the Angel of War but what are the others patronage. And their counterparts the demons of the seven sins, what weapons they use and who their counterpart is in the archangel system. Like Michael and Lucifer. Please help it is for a book idea. Their are so many websites that it is hard to filter. Anyone who knows or is Catholic would be a great help? Thanks in advance.




  1. Crack open the big book!

  2. Here is  a source that includes colors:

    I don't think they wear robes.  But there is a vibrational color.

  3. Two archangels use Uzis,  three use dual glock .40s,  one uses a .50 caliber sniper riffle and the last one has a flame thrower (sometimes a sword too).

    The colors are red, yellow, green, blue, orange, pink, magenta, and clear.

    How can you have an angel of war?  Doesn't that kind of conflict with the god is love thing?

    One demon uses a rocket launcher, one uses the mandible claw, three use mind bullets, another one drives a tank, and the last one uses a pen (it is mightier than the sword after all).

  4. David Jones is a man

    who walks in the supernatural.

    God gave him an incredible vision of the end of time plus

    precious gems from heaven, angle feathers from heaven,

    David Jones, taught for six months on something

    that was so significant that the most unusual

    miracles started erupting, feathers, all different colors,

    angel feathers started materializing and very amazing,

    amazing ways, precious gemstones started, stones from

    heaven started materializing, we will find out what

    jewelers had to say about, diamonds started materializing

    cut better than the finest jeweler ever.

    In his meetings there are supernatural manifestations

    of angelic feathers, gold dust, appearances of precious

    gemstones and physical healings.

    All this happened when he learned the key

    to unlock God's heart and favor.

    you had a woman speak in your

    congregation and what happened?

    David: She came to do a revival and the first night she got

    up she said, "Pastor Dave, let me say this to you, if I ever

    heard from God I heard from God about you and this

    church, there is getting ready to be a move of God here."

    And she said remember these words, it is going to be

    undeniable, no one is going to be denying, no one can say

    this is not a move of God, she said remember

    Pastor David it is going to be undeniable.

    Sid: So what happened?

    David: All of a sudden she was up ministering and then

    angel feathers started falling and I am sitting on the front

    row and I am saying, am I believing what I believe I am

    seeing Lord, feathers just starting flowing and when they

    started she said I am turning it over to your pastor.

    And I said whoa, and I heard the Lord say,

    "Tell the people to stand up on their feet and worship me,

    I'm not

    We began to worship God and feathers falling and the

    saints were saying oh pastor look at the feathers on your

    coat, and the Lord said just worship him now,

    honor him now, let's worship him.

    We began to worship and then a young lady came down

    the aisle shaking and when she opened up her hand it was a

    garnet gem appeared in her hand, which is her birthstone.

    Just out of curiosity, I see these angel feathers;

    how come there are so many different colors?

    I mean there are blue, and yellow and purple and brown.

    David: Do you know what the Lord revealed to me?

    there are different nations of people, there is black, there is

    white, there are Hispanic, Philippino, Italian, Vietnamese.

    There are different races of people, why not colors of angel feathers?

    Sid: Are miracles taking place when these things happen?

    Babu Ranganathan

    Deceiving The Elect


    The Bible teaches that Satan and his demons (the fallen angels) can take on take all sorts of shapes and perform all sorts of miracles in order to deceive mankind. In fact, some who have been claimed to be abducted by aliens say that these aliens have told them things that undermine the truth of the Christian Scriptures and the Person and work of Jesus Christ

    This is not say that God cannot create life on other planets, but the point being made here is that the supposed alien contacts popularly mentioned are not actual alien beings at all but the work of dark supernatural forces.

    The Christian Gospel is unique, unlike any other religious teaching. That in itself is powerful evidence of its true and divine origin. The Christian Scriptures teach that man can never earn his salvation and that salvation is only by the grace (undeserved act) of God through faith in Jesus Christ, God's eternal and only begotten Son Who paid for our sins on the Cross through His suffering and death and Who rose bodily from the grave after three days.

    'For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves: It is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast (Ephesians 2:8-9).

  5. All religions are mythological, so roll over on your other side and see if your dream changes.

  6. Weapon: Tokajin demon-sword

    Color: Gaijin Japanese

    Name: Lord Sesshomaru

    Help any???

  7. Micheal's color is red and is weapon is the sword. Uriel's color is purple and gold and his weapon is the bow and arrow. Raphel has the spear or staff. Gabriel has the scepter and color is white. Jophiel has the flaming sword. Zaphiel has the dagger. Chameul has the cups and the staff.

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