
I need to know the wrestlers name?

by Guest67025  |  earlier

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his name has diamond in it someone please help?




  1. Well the first name that comes to mind is Diamond Dallas Page...

    But it could also be Simon Diamond...

  2. Diamond Dallas Page?

  3. There was a Diamond Dallas Paige who wrestled for the AWA, WCW, and WWF.  He is a former WCW World champion and former husband to Kimberly Paige.  He used the Diamond Cutter, which is similiar to the RKO.  His themes were "Bam" and "Self High Five."

    The other wrestler was Paul Diamond.  He is a former AWA tag team champion with Pat Tanaka.

  4. Diamond Dallas Page from WCW, I think you mean.  

  5. Dimand Dallas Page

  6. Diamound Dallas Paige  

  7. his name is Diamond Dallas Page

  8. DDP...Diamond Dallas Page

    Simon Diamond

  9. Page Joseph Falkinburg, Jr

    D D P

  10. Diamond Dallas?

  11. Diamond Dallas Page also known as DDP. The name of his finisher is "The Diamond Cutter."

  12. Diamond Dallas Page

  13. maybe you're talking about diamond dallas page (DDP).. 'coz he's the only wrestler i know whose name has a diamond in it..

  14. DDP otherwise know as diamond dallas page or also as diamond dallas f*g.

  15. Diamond Dallas Page?

    His real name Page Joseph Falkinburg Jr

    He was a very good WCW wrestler

    He was in WWF for couple years he was part of the alliance

    His special move was

    Diamond Cutter- RKO is the CARBON COPY of the move


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