I only made this yahoo account for an answer so someone try to be open minded and please help if you can. About 1 year ago the world has changed to me. I've slowly started talking to myself, having this conversations with myself. i thought nothing of it, I mean you come to think that everyone must act like this sometimes. I used to feel like I wasn't real, like I needed proof that I exist, my grades in school dropped and my parents are the type that wont listen, about 4 months ago, I lit the tips of a fork, stuffed a towel in my mouth and pushed the fork into my arm. It hurt, but I felt like its how i can exist. I stopped that for a while because i felt like i was insane. The conversations with myself stopped and I just went on with life. Recently, I feel like i'm not the only one in my mind. This is where it gets weird, you can stop reading if you want. When I talk with myself, he says that he will get my life on track and that I am an dissapointment to the world. So I have stopped doing certain things, he tells me to stand up straight, stop cursing, don't bite my nails, do 75 push ups and sit ups every night, take a shower 3 times a day. Its weird because I listen. Whenever I mess up, i have to burn myself with the fork once. I did it twice last night, tonight i have 5 times because i messed up 5 times today. My girlfriend asked me what happend, and i just told her my skin acts up, but i suspect she knows. The marks hurt, but its like i have another person running my life, even if it is bettering myself, I feel like i'm a monster. I talk out loud now and i fight with myself verbally. I dont know what to do, I don't want to go to anyone because, they might think i'm insane. My dad found out one time that i tried hanging myself and he flipped out calling me i stupid -curse word- and they made me sleep in their room. Should i let this new person in my mind run my life, knowing that he's helping, but at the same time trapping me in my own mind. If someone could please help me, give me an answer, does anyone out there feel like this? do this? don't give me that stuff about how everyone is a little crazy, i want to know your honest truth. Someone please help me.