
I need to know what gifts. Any ideas?

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i'll be attending my friend's friend's kids' bday party tomorrow and i'm invited. my problem is, i dont know what to get for them lol. the little girl is turning 3 and her big bro is 15. my budget for both of them ranges about $25-$30 lol since i'm not totally close with them. im thinking of toys for the girl and a shirt for the boy. my gift ideas always suck so i really have to consult with y'all. lol.

Thanks everyone and have a happy Friday! =)




  1. I have had to by gifts for my little cousins, and being 13 I don't have much money. But I found a link with a list of different toys that a 3-year-old would enjoy. Look through and then check out a Walmart or something and see if they sell something similar to what you found on line.

    Here is the link for her:

    And here is a link to a toy I thought would be pretty nice:

    As for the older brother I think your best bet would be a CD, try to find out his favorite band. Do a little research on their latest CD, and get it. Most kids have iPods now though, so you could also try a 20 dollar gift card to iTunes? I hope this makes things a little easier! Good Luck :D

  2. For the 15 yr. old, I would definitely get a gift card of some kind, either iTunes, video game store, or a sporting goods store.

    For the 3 yr. old, Fisher Price makes "Little People" toy sets that are super cute and most kids that age are into make believe, role playing.  Another idea would be bath toys, kids love them, and most adults forget about them, so it's unlikely there'd be a duplicate gift.

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