
I need to know what i should prepare for an international flight on US airways? What is the synopsis?

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I am flying to Germany from san Diego. I stop in Philidelphia on the way to change planes. How is US airways?? are they a good airline? Yes? No? I have flown int. before but that was with Luftanza and American Air. I need to know what i should bring to improve my comfort level. How about refreshments. What am i offered i need the whole low down. Ten points to the most specific!!!!!! Thanks




  1. It's a crapshoot.  Every airline is great on some days and horrible on other days.  No airline in the US is a whole lot better or worse than the others on average, but US Airways is generally considered to be a little bit worse than average.

  2. US Airways just changed a lot of their policies earlier this week. They now charge $15 for the first checked bag. Non-alcoholic drinks are $2 each. (I'm not sure if this includes water or not.) They've also increased fares. I want to say this goes into effect around July 9, but I may be wrong, it may have already gone into effect. This is a horrible time for air travel. Before long, you'll have to pay just to use the bathroom on the plane. Good luck with your flight, though!

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